Workbench Data Sync Folders won't stay deleted
As I was first connecting files using Domo Workbench I added a number of folders to Data Sync. I now wish to remove these folders as I there are many files in them that I do not need or want syncing with Domo. I can not delete the folders themselves as the files are used by many people in my organization. I have gone…
Workbench - Preview Schema Data Type Error
We have been trying Workbench in different computers including the main server where we will upload data to our Domo instance. In this example, we are uploading data from a CSV file which have different data types (STRING, DATETIME, DECIMAL) and, in general, in all computers the Workbench maps the schema correctly during…
Text message when domo workbench job fails
Hello, Does anyone have any ideas on if its possible to receive a text message on my phone when a workbench job fails? I get emails when jobs fail, but I don't keep Outlook notifications on my phone because my phone would just ding all day long. Too many times on a Monday morning I've discovered a job has been failing…
Training on workbench
Workbench - Different jobs ID when importing
We are moving from one on-premise server to another on-premise server and we need to set the same Domo Workbench jobs in the new on-premise server. We exported the jobs to a local backup file in the old server, then we copy the file to the new server and then we imported the jobs from the file to Domo Workbench. Everything…
Append with removing rows of data
I am wondering if there is way to setup the following scenario. I have an append that runs in the morning and all the new data gets added properly, however, there are situations where some of the source data is no longer needed for example if I started with 110 rows of data yesterday and throughout the day 10 were removed,…
Is there any way to schedule file uploads to Domo apart from Workbench?
So just as the question states, I am a new user in the planning stage and I am trying to figure out if Workbench is the solution I have to upload my .xls files to Domo. Is it possible to access Files saved on Microsoft Sharepoint or Teams for example?
Dataset Upsert
I have been reading up on this and noticed that I in fact do NOT have the Upsert column enabled therefore according to the document I need to contact customer support. My question is, will I need to do this for every single current dataset and all future ones as well? Or is this a "flip the switch" kind of deal and it will…
Run Workbench Job from another computer or script where workbench does not reside
I am trying to see if there is a way I can run a workbench job from a computer in which workbench is not installed. I have some SQL queries that run overnight or a specific times throughout the day and I would like to have a script that triggers the run of the workbench job. Is there some sort of API endpoint I can call or…
Workbench Replacement Variable not saving
I've created a handful of Workbench jobs over the past few months, but every time I do, I seem to have to struggle for about an hour each time to get the replacement variables working with the 'Append' update method. This typically includes trying every imaginable order of operations, deleting and recreating the job…
Can Just One Workbench Be Used On One Domain?
Does anyone know more about having multiple users working on Workbench at the same time? The FAQ page states that it is "All Workbench jobs are saved in the cloud and tied to a specific login", but I'm not sure what this means. https://domohelp.domo.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043437373-Workbench-5-FAQs From what we have…
Schema not keeping changes, but no error given - have you run into this?
Hello, So I have set up a job using MySQL ODBC - executed, all good. Job T Then set up another job with a local CSV file - executed all good. Job A So then I want to update Job T to do a lookup transform of the results from Job A. This seems to run well. But I also need to update the schema. I need to remove a column and I…
Overwriting an Existing DataSet with Workbench
In our team, we have a couple of engineers developing in Workbench on different PCs. When I exported a job from one Workbench, imported it to another Workbench on a different PC and ran it, another DataSet with the same name was created. Is there anything I can do to overwrite and update the existing DataSet?
Workbench | Multiple Accounts in One DOMO Instance
Hi, Is it possible to create multiple accounts to use in Workbench in one instance? This is because we have different permission/rights based on our roles. For example, scenario: We are using one server to upload on premise data - for security and refresh schedule. User 1 has workbench rights and can upload sales data.…
Cloud connector or Workbench to get data into instance.?
Is cloud connector better approach than workbench to get data into instance or vice-versa?. It would be really help if you can elaborate or differentiate between both.
Should I really be using UPSERT KEY just to APPEND data?
I have a huge dataset I've uploaded through Workbench. I now want to run a daily APPEND of new data only. I don't see a way to define an "APPEND" key, just an "UPSERT" key. My data won't really change, so I really only need inserts of any records where the defined ID is not already in Domo. My append query looks for a…
Workbench 5.1 SDK creates DLL but WB only loads DWP file
Hello, I am hoping WB 5.1 solves the crashes issues I encountered trying to create a transform plugin. However, when I build my plugin in Visual Studio it creates a dll. When I tried to add the plugin into WB 5.1 it will only load a dwp file. Am I missing something simple? Thanks,
In Workbench what does "DataSet Type" change?
I have Workbench jobs uploading Microsoft SQL Server tables to Domo. For "DataSet Type", I accepted the default of "Workbench ODBC". After setting up my jobs, I noticed there is a "Microsoft SQL Server" dataset type. What's the difference? In Domo, the icon changes if I upload as a "Microsoft SQL Server" dataset type. If I…
Dataset not showing up in Dataset Picker in Workbench 5
We have a user trying to update a dataset in Workbench 5. There was a JSON job file that was left. When we open the JSON file, it is pointing at a different dataset. The dataset we are trying to update does not show up in the Dataset Picker list. The dataset type is excel.
How to Connect to a MySQL database using Workbench?
Hi Team, I wanted to know how to connect My SQL database using Workbench. I don't know anything about this process. so detailed steps or screenshots would be helpful to me. Thank you so much in advance.
Workbench Job Runtime
Does anyone have any tips or best practices for improving runtime on workbench jobs? We have a job that updates almost 82 million rows of data daily and takes about 3 hours to run. It varies day to day anywhere from 2 hours to 3 hours. I do not have access to workbench as it is controlled by my IT but I am looking for tips…
Scheduled Workbench Jobs not Running: The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.Service
We have several scheduled Workbench jobs that are extracting data from SQL Server tables and loading to DOMO data sets. The jobs are failing to run at their scheduled times, but I am able to run them manually without issue. They are showing this error: Strangely, only some of our jobs are showing this error. We have other…
Finding characters in a string and extracting the characters plus 4 more chars
We have a table that contains the Subject line of every email in our distribution list. I'm trying to extract our reference number and put it in another column. For now, our ref# starts with an 876 or 877 and it's 7 digits long. I used a CASE-WHEN-LIKE to identify the lines that contain 876 or 877 and minimize the lines I…
Workbench ODBC - Dynamic query/parameter
When we are establishing a new job in Domo Workbench of the type ODBC, we write the query in the box of Database Query Editor as in the image below. However the query we want to do should not be static and we would like to modify that query based on external triggers. For example, in the image, is it possible to pass a…
Re-running a failed job in workbench using automation
We are currently using Domo Workbench to pull in data from various 3rd party property management information systems and this requires a large amount of jobs to be run. The problem comes when one job fails for one reason or another and there seems to be no way to automatically set it to rerun, causing someone to have to go…
DOMO Workbench 4 Log Export
We have been having some issues recently with Workbench jobs and I would like to be able to compare the job activity between jobs that were successful and jobs that had errors. I can select only one line on the log at a time and export that (using copy/paste) I was wondering if there was a way that I could export all log…
Workbench 5 Crashes w/ custom plugin
Hello Domo Experts, I am having problems trying to create a custom, transform, plugin for Workbench. Workbench 5.0.7: When I use Visual Studio to create a new plugin, with no changes to the default code, and add it to WB, everything is fine until I try to configure the Transforms option. When I do this WB crashes. When I…