Option to remove page numbers/filters on export to PDF
We often export dashboards to PowerPoint or PDF to share with external partners. However, we don't always want to include all information from the dashboard, but since the page number on PDF is automatically included, it looks strange if some pages are missing from the report. It would be incredibly helpful if there was an…
Display estimated file size next to export options
It would be convenient and helpful if Domo could display a file size, either accurate or estimated, next to the Export options of Excel/CSV.
What is the best way to filter open-ended comments on a dashboard displaying survey results?
We have several dashboards that we've built to review customer survey data. We always have several open-ended questions/comment boxes on these surveys, with thousands of responses. Currently, I have these text responses set up as drop-down selector filter cards, which then populate table cards that are used in dashboard…
Indicate in the UI when a dataset ID is being used in an API or writeback EXPORT
Simple idea with a profound impact. Indicate in the datacenter/dataset UI that a specific dataset is being used in an API or writeback EXPORT
Reduce blank space in dashboards
Dashboards currently have extra space between cards on all sides, and text boxes have a minimum height, which leads to a large amount of blank space both vertically and horizontally. This is especially problematic when creating a dashboard that needs to be exported to PDF or PowerPoint. Ideally, we need the ability to…
Export Dashboard to PPT - enhancement
We can choose to show a card description when we lay out a dashboard -- this is great, as those sometimes help explain what is going on with the data (ex. "Customer could choose multiple responses on this survey question" or "Updated weekly"). However, when you export the dashboard to PowerPoint- amazing, because it takes…
Exporting as .xlsx is exporting a 0 KB file when it worked for this card before?
We've got a card that is essentially a transposed Excel table. Employees have been able to export this card as .xlsx before with no issue. However, now Domo is exporting a 0 KB .xlsx file that when attempting to open, Excel says it is corrupted or an invalid file format. I can export the dataset powering the card just…
PDF output large data
exporting to pdf is limited to 800 records. need to be able to export a large table to pdf.
PDF Portrait Layout
Need the option to select between portrait and landscape layout of pdf exports of dashboards. It would also be very handy to be have the ability to resize cards from whatever dimensions domo automatically resets them to on export.
Export Data Option - Exports WITH Selected Filters
Currently if you are filtering on a dataset and want to export the dataset based on the filters, I don't believe this is not possible unless you create a card with filters or an ETL. I would like the option to export the data with the filters applied on the dataset view.
Expand tables in scheduled reports to show all data
When scheduling reports or exporting all cards of a dashboard, we would like to see all the data available on the dashboard. Even if this means that tables with a large number of rows will be expanded and take up multiple pages. Currently, if a dashboard has 5 table cards each of 2k rows, I would have to export them…
Table Export Option: Limit which Columns Export
I recently saw we added an Excel Export option to Table Cards to change the # of rows we allow to export. I think it would also be valuable to be able to enter which columns should be exported. Use Case: We may have a table that provides additional context columns, but is also part of a workstream to export and paste into…
Any way to export filters themselves?
I am trying to build a report using pydomo and the Domo API connection but the challenge I have is that I can get the whole dataset but can't get the filtering to match what we need. I wasn't sure if I am missing some way to export the filters themselves so I can directly add it into my code. I have been provided a handful…
Display active filters in excel/csv export
Hi, when you apply filters to a dashboard and export as PDF/PPT, the selected filters will be displayed on the export. Is there any way to do this for exporting as excel/csv? For example I have a table that I filter by date using a calendar filter card. When I export the table I'd like a cell, header, or tab name to…
Encoding for CSV Exports
Hi, We have noticed that Domo's dataset CSV exports come out ASCII encoded. This is currently and issue for us, as we have data using both "extended" latin characters (â, ñ, Ø), as well as non-latin script. The Data is correctly loaded and displayed in Domo though. Is there any way to set the encoding format? Thanks, Carlos
option to Export cards but disable the whole dashboard export
when using domo everywhere you have the option to enable EXPORT function but this enables in cards and the whole dashboard and adds a button at the top of the dashboard which really pushes the dashboard down. I propose being able to enable EXPORT on cards separately to the whole dashboard
Warnings for Exports w/ .xlsx that are over 100,000 lines is Gone - please reimplement
For the first 3 years at Domo there has been a warning about exports over 100,000 lines for .xlsx saying "there are possibly missing lines of data as you have reached the max data exported via .xlsx." The issues for us here is that people are going to be working with large data sets and then never know that data is…
PDF export: optional first page?
It would be great to have an option to disable creation of generic first page. In case you don't need this page you have to delete it and change all the page numbers in PDF, which means you need the proper license and time to do it.
Filter metric by Beast mode dimensions
I have a Beast mode that configures source and medium dimensions into broad categories because Google's default channel grouping dimension is incomplete. (CASE WHEN Session Medium LIKE 'cpc' THEN 'Search' WHEN Session Medium LIKE 'paidsocial' THEN 'Social' WHEN Session Source LIKE 'google' OR Session Source LIKE 'bing' OR…
Pivot tables in emailed dashboards (scheduled reports)
I have a dashboard that uses both tables and pivot tables that is designed to be emailed daily. The cards with tables render well in the scheduled reports, but the text in the pivot table doesn't wrap and is almost illegible. Is there a setting to fix this, please?
Add ability restrict export of individual cards
We need the ability to restrict the download of specific cards without turning download off for users across the instance. Can this feature be considered? Another way to do it would be to embed in the PDP permissions of a policy. That way we can assign which policies can export.
Save / Export dataset containing the projections in Domo Analyzer Cards
Let's say we create a Domo Analyzer Card using "Multi-Period Projection" from the chart properties. It uses Linear Regression Recent Weighted and shows the projection in the UI. We need a dataset where all these projected datapoints will be saved.
what is destination of bulk export file?
I'm an Admin and I go to the People page and select new Bulk Export. Domo tells me it creates the export but I check my downloads directory and email and don't see it in either place. So where does it deposit the file?
DomoR vs DomoSDK?
I have been handed an r script that has is using an accessToken to connect to domo and extract a dataset using a dataset ID. My end goal is to translate this to Python, as I have an existing pipeline in python that needs this dataset. Initially using the naive approach I tried to connect to Domo using pyDomo but was…
Can we save / export the projection data as a dataset in Domo Analyzer Cards?
We have created a Domo Analyzer Card using "Multi-Period Projection" from the chart properties. It uses Linear Regression Recent Weighted and shows the projection in the UI. We need a dataset where all these projected datapoints will be saved. Any idea how to create this dataset or export it from the card?
Preview PDF Export
Creating PDFs is an important product feature in Domo. However, when you go to export a PDF in Domo, you are not able to preview it first to see if the PDF is formatted correctly. It would be great if a preview was provided first.
Exporting Card to PDF from a Page - Limitations
We have a grid in a page that cuts off the last few rows when you export to pdf. Rather than cutting off the bottom, it would be nice to have an option to allow it to flow to a second pdf page or possibly give you options to expand the margins.
Is there a way to retrieve or export cards data to csv using Domo API?
I have a page created with a number of cards. Is it possible to retrieve card data or export to a csv using the API? I know API allows to export datasets to csv, but I can't find a way to do the same for cards. If not possible, is there any workaround to set it up in Domo so I can only retrieve card data with the API and…