Customize dashboard export?
Hi, is there any way to customize my PDF or PPT exports of my dashboard? I would like to remove the title of the dashboard from the top of every slide, as well as the filters at the bottom. Also, if there's any way to customize the first title slide that would be great. Thank you.
Hide/filter out cards on dashboard display
Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to hide cards from a dashboard under certain circumstances. For example if the data being filtered was a certain value, a specific card would disappear. This will be for clients to export dashboards to PPT and not need to clean up superfluous elements. In a similar vein, I'm also…
Creating a Link Field in Domo
Hi All, I was trying to have a hyperlink embedded inside a Domo Table/MegaTable and I used the following method. CONCAT('<a href="https://na132.salesforce.com/', `donation_link`, '" target="_blank">', 'Donation Link', '</a>') Now this is working perfectly on Domo but one major problem I'm facing is when I export the data,…
Sending Card Data via SFTP
Is there any way to send the output of a card (XLSX or CSV format) to an SFTP server? We are looking for a way to schedule weekly updates of a report and have it automatically sent to an SFTP directory. I saw that there is an SFTP writeback connector available as part of the Domo Integration Studio, but that appears to be…
Scheduled Report - CSV problem
I have a scheduled report that includes a CSV export with address info. The addresses contain accented characters. These are all great in Domo. When I export to CSV, these characters get screwed up. Is there an Excel export (exporting the card in Excel directly works correctly)? Is there another way to schedule sending…
DomoR vs RdomoSDK
I have been handed an r script that has is using an accessToken to connect to domo and extract a dataset using a dataset ID. My end goal is to translate this to Python, as I have an existing pipeline in python that needs this dataset. Initially using the naive approach I tried to connect to Domo using pyDomo but was…
Overwriting an Existing DataSet with Workbench
In our team, we have a couple of engineers developing in Workbench on different PCs. When I exported a job from one Workbench, imported it to another Workbench on a different PC and ran it, another DataSet with the same name was created. Is there anything I can do to overwrite and update the existing DataSet?
Is it possible to hide PDP symbol for PDF export (or remove from instance entirely)?
We have a page that users export to PDF. The datasets on the page have PDPs applied to them, purely for Domo Everywhere/Publish purposes - all internal users have access to all rows. On the page itself, I am able to hide the PDP symbol from showing up on the bottom left and blocking card information by using the filter bar…
Export Dashboard to Excel
Hello, I've built a dashboard with multiple tables - each with unique datasets. How can I export to excel without having to select each table, manually export each table to excel, and then combine in the same excel workbook in excel? Ideally, each table from the dashboard would export to its own tab in the same excel…
DOMO Workbench 4 Log Export
We have been having some issues recently with Workbench jobs and I would like to be able to compare the job activity between jobs that were successful and jobs that had errors. I can select only one line on the log at a time and export that (using copy/paste) I was wondering if there was a way that I could export all log…
New role button missing
I want to create a new type of role in order to restrict all export of data or cards for certain users. However, when I go to the role management tab as an admin, there is no "new role" button? Am i missing something?
Leading zeros in csv exports removed
I have several scheduled reports where the leading zeros in certain fields are removed. The field itself is formatted as text, and it shows up properly in the cards, however once it is emailed in a .csv file those zeros are gone. Is there a way, maybe even in the ETL or the card, that I can prevent this from happening?
Exporting Dashboard to PDF - Sorry. This content is no longer available
When exporting a dashboard to PDF/Powerpoint I get a couple of cards that do not export instead there is a placeholder that reads Sorry. This content is no longer available. I have tried messing around with the dashboard layout but there is no change. If I revert to standard page everything exports correctly. I have also…
Export very large dataset (million or row) in CSV as chunks
Is it possible in DOMO using python or postman to export whole dataset but break files(CSV/Excel) so we can have 5 million rows in each exported file.
Exporting live cards to ppt.
I want to export a live card/ card table that is long and keeps updating as the dataset updates. The problem I am facing is whenever I am trying to export this card it only exports the snapshot of the card and not the whole card also since it is only the snapshot, it does not updates as the card in my domo instance…
Exporting a dataset using script.
I want to connect to a dataset in my instance and download a dataset using a python script, how do I do it?
Send/Export settings
Wondering if we have the ability to change some settings behind the "Send / Export" option for users with access rights of "Participant"? (attachment contains some screen shots) In short, I do not want users to be able to email certain cards. I appreciate the fact that a "Participant" user cannot invite users, or…
How can I export a sumo card with decrypted values?
I have a sumo card with several encrypted columns. After I 'unlock' the encrypted columns with my password the csv and xlsx exports have encrpyted values still. I assume this is because the data is decrypted by the browser on demand. Is it possible to export decrypted data with domo?
Error while uploading excel sheet through Excel Plugin
Hi, I'm receiving the following error while uploading an excel sheet through the DOMO excel plugin. How do I get rid of this error? Thanks, Angel