Export dashboard to another DOMO instance
Hello everyone, I'd like to know if there any way to copy a dashboard from one domo instance to another one including all of the cards. Let's say I want to move a dashboard from abc.domo.com to xyz.domo.com. Both domo instances have the same datasets/dataflows with the same schemas and data, only the dataset name might be…
Progress Bar - Exporting Datasets
Hi Team, 1) Large datasets are taking up to 60-90 seconds before an open dialog box appears. 2) Prior to this, there is no acknowledgment - encourages more export attempts. 3) A progress bar would communicate to users that the first export is being processed and will be completed shortly. Recommended share from support…
Page export as PPT/PDF Progress Info/Status indicator on the embedded Domo Screen
Hi Team, When we export a page as a PDF or PPT, we get a progress indicator on the lower left corner of the screen showing e.g., 3 0f 20 elements exported. The same does not appear if we are trying to download / export page on an embedded setup. We just get a small round progress icon but it's not as intuitive as what we…
Add dates to Excel when exporting underlying data from a card
When data get extracted from users across the dashboards the export file only has the content but no meta information (dataset, time of export, filters applied, person who exported). So when distributing or asked to update it's not always clear where the data come from. It would be useful to add this information to the…