You likely need to add Academic Plan to your partition in the rank & window tile. This will give you a row number of 1 for each academic plan sorting by the effective date descending.
Under Chart Properties - General Set Maximum Items to 3. Also, click the checkbox next to Hide Other Bar.
Not to be outdone by John 😁, I created a video that walks you through how to do what I explained.
As I understand your question, you want to filter your card to the month that the last working day is in. This is a great use case for a nested beast mode as it makes it much cleaner to look at. Here is what I would do: Create a beast mode called LastWorkingDay with a formula that looks like this: /* If today is Sunday,…
Agree with John. Before your rank, add a filter tile and choose formula and use this formula: RIGHT(`ACAD_PLAN`,2) = 'BS'
Domo has a few different variations of forms. There is Form Builder that was created several years ago that can be deployed within a classic dashboard. You can find Form Builder (and that accompanying Form Viewer) in the App Store. App Studio has its own form creation tool that has some nice improvements like data type…
I have built a form very similar to this in App Studio. It has been very successful. However, just recently the end users started receiving the Error Loading Form message that you reported. I don't see the message when I access the form. We have Domo support ticket created and are waiting on the issue to be resolved so…
Very slick @b_rad . Here is how I might do it. Essentially, I am using the period_diff to calculate the month difference, but check to see if the day of the start date is greater than the day of the end date and subtract 1 from the resulting period diff since it shouldn't count as a month yet.
On the column that you don't want the total to show up for, click the pencil icon and click on Total and select the checkbox that says Hide total
Definitely seems like there is a bug going on. When I use the month parameter, it validates and returns a number in the preview. However, when you run the ETL preview, it errors out and thinks month is a column. Definitely worth submitting a ticket since they are indicating in their definition that you should be able to…
Domo follows MySQL most functions and DATEDIFF does not have the extra parameter that you are referring to. There is a function called TIMESTAMPDIFF that does support that parameter, but that doesn't seem to be a supported function in Domo. I think you would have to get very creative to try and do date precision. Perhaps…
Use the PERIOD_DIFF function to calculate the number of months between two dates. You will need to use the DATE_FORMAT function as well to put the dates into the YYYYMM format that the PERIOD_DIFF function requires, but it will return the number of months for you. PERIOD_DIFF(P1,P2)Returns the number of months between…
See this thread where you asked earlier
If you want to just include rows where that column equals, it would be easier to just use a filter tile and do the filter there. Just drag in the filter tile and connect it to the select columns 2 tile and add formula rule and use the following formula EFFDT = 'A'
That is just how dates a displayed when viewing dates in the data center. Build a card to view the date in a format that is more to your preference. Click on the Cards tab next to Data and create a table card. When you add a date field to the table card, you can configure how you want it displayed.
I would look into using variables instead of filters as filters will filter out data that it sounds like you need. Variables will allow you to build a beast mode that will do the desired calculation based on the selection made in the variable. Here is one video on variables if you are unfamiliar with them:
Here is a video where I walk through how to create a custom chart that you may find helpful.
If you are viewing the list of jobs, double click on the desired job name. This should take you to the job itself that looks like below. Click on the Configure tab and then click on the Edit button next to processing to see the SQL query that is being used.
If you click on the X in the top right of the banner, the banner will go away
This was an issue that was spotted and engineering pushed out a fix today to address the issue. If you are still seeing the issue, send in a support ticket.
I have heard that you can put it in a request to support to get it configured to 1 minute. The other workarounds I have heard are using webhooks or workflows to kick it off.
The administrator needs to do it by going to Admin - People - clicking on the user and then clicking on the Change Password button and creating a new password. This process unlocks the account.
On your 3 slicer cards, you can edit the dashboard and choose change interaction for each of them and de-select the other two slicer cards to keep them from reacting to each other.
The way your original case statement is constructed, and assuming that all rows have the Leverage Ratio column populated with the string Leverage Ratio and the Leverage Ratio Values column has a value in it, then only the first 3 WHEN statements will ever be used in your evaluation because CASE statements automatically…
A couple thoughts on this: The first thing I would try would be to re-order your WHEN statements so that all of your Low Risk items are first, followed by the Medium Risk and then the High Risk items. Since case statements stop evaluating once they find a match, if you want someone to be low risk if they meet any of those…
@emaynez it looks like dt is not an actual field in your dataset. Replace dt with the date field that you want to use, and see if it validates.
Try this: CONCAT('<span style="font-size:10px;">Data as of ', MAX(Transaction Date),'</span>')
You can add HTML/CSS in the beast mode and add color and control the sizing. A simple example would look like this: CONCAT('<span style="color:red;font-size:10px;">Vehicles</span><br />', SUM(Vehicles)) One thing to note, you won't see the changes while you are editing in Analyzer. You will need to Save and Close in order…
Glad you figured it out.
@GrantSmith may know the answer to this one.