Sorting Year date Filter in Ascending order
Hi All, I have a beast mode created as CONCAT(YEAR(`pickupDATE`),'-',MONTHNAME(`pickupDATE`)) which in turn returns values such as 2020-April, 2020-june and so on...When I try to display this as a quick filter I get the values displayed in the quick filter in my card in random order -such as 2020-April 2020-August…
How to add a Background image to the dashboard
Hi All , Can you please let me know how to add an image to a dashboard that will display as a background image.. Thanks, Arun
Help with Beast mode for getting the distinct count by order number for This year and last year
Hi All, Hope you are doing well!.. I am trying to get the count of distinct combination of ordno and partno by ordate ..Please find the input table below: The output table that I am trying to get to is Can you please help me with the beast mode for this..Also attached the excel file... Thanks, Arun
Assigning blank value as Zero
Hi All, I have a field by the name rate which has decimal values and this field is coming in from a google sheet.. I have a lot of rows of this field as blank ...Can you please let me know how to replace the blank values as 0.. I am currently using this case when ifnull(rate,0) then 0 else rate....This is giving an error
Moving the position of DOMO page and subpages within the same page in DOMO
Hi All, Can you please let me know how to move the position of DOMO page and subpages within the same page in DOMO Thanks, ozarkram
Convert text to date
Hi All, I am trying to convert a string to date... STR_TO_DATE(`MFGDTE`,'%Y-%m-%d') But I am getting the value as 2019-12-18t00:00-06:00 ...Can you please let me know how to get just the date
Beast Mode for Sum Function
Hi All, I am using the sum function below which is throwing an error..can you please advise.. CASE WHEN YEAR(`DATE`) = year(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN SUM(`CURRENT_INVENTORY`,`NONCURRENT_INVENTORY`,`OLD_INVENTORY`) END
Beast Mode to remove text after space
Hi All, I am trying to remove the text after space from the below example ..Can you please let me know how to do the same.. R17245 20 should return just R17245 FG789 32 should return just FG789... Can you please let me know how to achieve this in beast mode..
Beast Mode to compare the record from the recent Monday to the last Monday
Hi All, I have a dataset that has the the different schedule codes by date at a PO number level..I am trying to identify the records from the most recent monday and compare it to the immediate last monday and then flag the combination of (POnumber /schedule_code) to be old (meaning this combination existed the last monday…
Manually adding data to a existing DOMO dataset
Hi Team, I am trying to add the data to a existing DOMO dataset..Can you please let me know how I can achieve the same.. Thanks, Arun
Line over BAR chart
Hi All, Hope you are doing well!.. I currently have a bar chart to show the this year inventory by Fiscal week... I want to have a line running over my bar chart that shows the inventory for the same time last year...Can you please let me know how to do that.. My beast mode for This year inventory count(distinct case when…
Problem with column sorting
Hi All, I am sorting a dataset in the visualizer...I am sorting by the dealer name and whether the item got shipped or not and then by the order date all in the ascending order... The beast mode that I am using for the shipped or not beast mode is the following: CASE WHEN TRIM(`order_status`) = 'order shipped' then '1'…
Vertical Symbol + Grouped Bar chart Question
Hi All, I am trying to create a vertical symbol +Grouped bar chart to show by Fiscal Month week to show the On order $ for this year and last year and the on order units for this year and last year... Following are the beast modes that I am using X-Axis: Fiscal month week -CONCAT(UPPER(`FISCAL_PERIOD_LABEL_SHORT`),'-WK ',…
Beast Mode for Getting the order status of the vehicles on order
I am trying to determine the status of the vehicle on order -Whether it is stock or Sold , whether it is part of the BAM campaign or not and the sold or stock date based on the following set of rules If the data column orderstatus has *SLD ,SLD or SOLD then the comment column is sold ; if the orderstatus column has STOCK…
Getting dates in one row
Hi All, I am working on the data visualizer and have the data as below The columns order,model, ord date, rec date,cur prm come from the DOMO workbench while the columns prm date -7D, prm date -14 D, prm date -28 D come from the beast mode... I am trying to get the above data in the format below...Can you please help…
Finding average of difference in two different dates
Hi All, I am trying to find the average difference in the dates between two different dates at a level of plant ,segment, model and part..I used the Group by tile for the same and in the aggregated column I am writing the below formula AVG(DATEDIFF(`cur_prm_date`,`prmdate7` )) over (order by `cur_prm_date`) for which I am…
Getting an error in visualizer
Hi All, I am getting an error when I am on the visualizer ...There was a problem saving your card. If the problem persists, contact the Domo support team. ..Can you please let me know what to do now...Will I lose all the work I have done now..
Beast mode to extract the date based on a pattern
Hi All, I am trying to extract the date from a field based on a pattern - If the first four characters of the field description are *SLD then I need to extract the date from the field description as output date else I need to take the date from the field orddate as the the output date..please find the table below: can you…
Replicating SQL statement in Magic ETL Formula tool
Hi All, I am trying to replicate the following SQL statement in the MagicETL formula tool.. (SELECT MAX("FISCAL_YEAR") FROM table WHERE "DATE_VALUE" = CURRENT_DATE) AS CUR_FISCAL_YEAR In the Magic ETL tool I am giving the name of the output column as CUR_FISCAL_YEAR and Write Formula as MAX(`FISCAL_YEAR`) WHERE…
Adrenaline version of SQL
Hi All, Can you please let me know what version of SQL does adrenaline use.. Thanks, Arun
Sharing Dashboard with viewers of another dashboard
Hi All, I have a dashboard by the name (Dashboard 6) which is currently shared with 165 users ..I need to share another dashboard (Dashboard 7) with the same set of 165 users...Can you please let me know how to go about the same..Any shortcuts for the same... Thanks, Arun
Magic ETL formula Help
Hi All, I am trying to use the following transformation for joining but I am getting an error...Can you please help! CAST(`DEALER_NO` as varchar(8)).. I am getting the following error... Syntax error in expression at character 20 on line 1 : cast (dealer_no) as varchar()) Thanks, Arun
Assigning the same value to different days of the week
Hi All, I am using the following Beast mode (Goal) to assign the same value to Monday ,tuesday, wednesday and thursday for different plants..Can you please let me know if the below is fine.. Case when `Plant` ='Celes' and dayofweek(`orderdate`) in (2,3,4,5) then '50' when `Plant` ='menes' and dayofweek(`orderdate`) in…
Extracting the Date Based on a pattern
Hi All, I am trying to extract the date from one column based on a pattern..For example in the table below if the column orderstatus has a * in the beginning and then there is a date of the format mm/dd/yyyy then I need to extract that date as the soldorstockdate otherwise I need to extract the date from orddate as the…
Checking if first character is a *-Beast mode
Hi All, I am trying to flag the rows that have the first character starting with a *...For ex: *SLD 05/11/2022 - I need to flag this 1 ..*SOLD 05/15/2022 -I need to flag this 1 ,1277489 STK#39298.32831 * -I need to flag this 0..can you please let me know how to do this.. Thanks, Arun
Looking for Pattern in Data
Hi All, One of the fields (orderstatus) in my report has values like 37141 SLD BAM , SOLD BRANDON BOX 36790...I need to look for values SLD and SOLD ..If these are present then I need to flag that row as Sold otherwise it is stock...Can you please let me know how to achieve this using Beast mode
Writing Beast mode with Data label of Measures
Hi All, I have three measures - Open qty, onhandunits and openpoqty... When they are brought into the table in visualizer they are brought in as sum(Open qty) , sum(onhandunits ) and sum(openpoqty) and then given different data label names Now I am trying to create a filter using the condition case when sum(open qty)>…
Date_Format Fiscal week number and Year
Hi All, I am using the Graph by capability in DOMO Visualize and I want to get a filter to display WEEK 24 -2020 , WEEK 25- 2020 ......WEEK 17 -2022 in descending order I tried this DATE_FORMAT(`SHIP_DATE`,'%Y-%w') ....But its not correct..Can you please let me know how to go about this.. Thanks, ozarkram
How to build a sales by state US Heat Map DOMO CARD Drillable into different vendors (US MAP)
Hi everyone, Just wanted to check if there is an article that will help build a sales by state heatmap for US States (on US MAP) drillable into vendors... Thanks, Arun
Beast mode for count distinct by concatenating two columns
Hi All, I am trying to do the following beast mode operation: COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE when `ord_date` < CURDATE()-1 then CONCAT(`sales_no`,`part_no`) end )) The expectation is the distinct combination of sales_no and part_no ..But I am not getting that..Can you please help me here.. Thanks, Arun