Day of week Beast Mode Code
Hi All, I am trying to do the following calculation in Beast mode but I am getting some errors.. Can you please help me with this.. Case when Plant ='Celes' and dayofweek(orderdate) in (2,3,4,5) then '50' when Plant ='menes' and dayofweek(orderdate) in (2,3,4,5) then '90' end Would appreciate your input! Thanks, Arun
Help with Formula/ Beast mode to concat values based on unique key
Hi All, I am trying to write a beast mode formula from the input table below: to the output table Basically I am trying to group by pickno and then group the code R into the column Reason and the code S into the column shipinstruction (combining the names and the reason or shipping instruction).. Can you please help me…
Using a View as a input dataset to mysql dataflow
Hi All, I am trying to have (a view) as one of the inputs to the mysql dataflow...But its not being accepted ...Can you please help me with this... Thanks, Arun
Color Code a Beast mode column in the table
Hi All, I have a beast mode column by the name ( % Aloc on 3yr sale) which I have renamed in the table as (%3yrsale) and I have to highlight the values in the table to be orange or mild red...Can you please let me know how to go about the beast mode for the same..
Help with Beast code to do color coding on the data..
Hi All, I am trying to do a color coding on two columns in my card (1 yr change % and 3 year change %) like below as in excel...Higher the percentage towards 100 and greater than 100 the brighter the red color and the lesser it is the lower the red shade and it should do it across two columns ...Can you please help me…
How to share specific views of a dashboard to different stakeholders
Hi All, I have a dashboard with a couple of cards and with a filter that contains all the Dealers and the region of the dealers...There are different account managers that handle specific regions..So when I share the dashboard with a specific region manager they should be able to see only the data pertaining to their…
Replace an excel file uploaded using File Upload Legacy connector
Hi All, I need to re-upload an excel file that I uploaded using the File upload legacy connector ...Can you please let me know how to do this...
Help with Magic ETL to find the status of SKU items manufactured
I have a delay table (as below) where a SKU is identified by the combination of mmodel and srno and the snapdate.. A SKU present on a specific snapdate indicates the SKU was delayed on that date Delay Table mmodel Srno Snapdate MX201 C12341 3/21/2021 NM213 L1234 3/21/2021 JK1231 K1561 3/21/2021 KL1234 MJ1234 3/21/2021…
Help with Magic ETL to calculate the distinct count of pickup numbers by plant
Hi All, I am trying to get the distinct count of pickup numbers by plant and pickupmonth year..Please find my input table below...Can you please help me with the Magic ETL for the same...I am also attaching the excel file data.. Input pickdate picknumber Plant 1/3/2022 L009803 Seattle 1/3/2022 L009803 Seattle 1/3/2022…
Calculating the count of entries not present in the future date in comparison to the previous date
Hi All, Hope you are doing well!...I am trying to build a magic etl for getting the number of entries (combination of sno and mmodel) that are not present in the current date of reference in comparison to the immediate previous date of reference...This will help understand the count of the number of entries that have gone…
ETL or beast mode for Dynamic assignment of month based on current date
Hi All, Hope you are doing well..I am trying to convert a plan table as below into the table below based on the current date and the reference table Reference table: So I need to basically map the column names (FC1,FC2,FC3...input table) to fiscal month based on the current date and looking up the reference table for the…
Checking the existence of an entry in the immediate future date and counting in future date
Hi All, Hope you are doing well!...I am trying to build a magic etl for getting the number of entries (combination of sno and mmodel) that are not present in the current date of reference in comparison to the immediate previous date of reference...This will help understand the number of entries that have gone off the list…
Comparison of data to the immediate previous date for every consecutive date
Hi All, Hope you are doing well!..I am trying to build a Magic ETL workflow to calculate the number of entries (combination of sno and mmodel) occuring new in the current date of reference in comparison to the immediate previous day.. Please find the sample data below: Input table sno mmodel snapshot_date…
Calculating existing delays , Off delays and new delays on manufacturing data
Hi All , I am new to Domo and I am trying to create a beast mode for the following type of data... I have a manufacturing plant data on a daily basis and specific vehicle (denoted by sno) belonging to a specific category (mmodel) that can go on a delay due to some issues. Now my Input tab has the snapshot of this data on…
CROSS Apply equivalent in Redshift SQL
Hi All, I am trying to find the equivalent of CROSS APPLY in the query below. Can you please help.. WITH CTE AS ( SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY "ORDER","ORD_DATE" ORDER BY "DATE_VALUE" DESC)AS RNum FROM input ),CTE2 AS ( SELECT "ORDER","ORDDATE","PRMDATE","DATE_VALUE" AS recdate, DATE_SUB("DATE_VALUE", INTERVAL 7…