disable all notifications for all users
I directed a user to disable their alerts and notifications, but they cannot find their way. I am an admin, is there any way to turn off notifications for all users from my admin account?
Providing API access to a 3rd party vendor
I created a few data sets for my vendor to import data into. When he tries to import data, he gets the following error: Full authentication is required to access this resource Do I need to make an account for my vendor, in addition to the client id and secret? Does my vendor need to create the data sets in his own? When I…
Current Values vs All Values
When creating a card, what is the difference between 'Use Current Values' and 'Use All Values' for the summary number?
Mysql Flow - DATE_FORMAT not working.
I am attempting to format a java long date string in DOMO using: DATE_FORMAT(`createdDate`,'%m %d %Y') Here is a sample date string: 1549477680843 I see there are a few mysql functions not available in DOMO. Can anyone confirm this?
Merge not available via API
I would like to update records in DOMO using a specific column/key. This seems to be a part of the "Merge" function when creating a Data Set. I notice the option to "Merge" is available when using the web browser interface but not available when using the API. Do I need to update my DOMO API jars/sdk? See the attached…
Forgot how to connect using API
It's been a while since I ran my DOMO client using Java. I tried Listing my datasets and I get the following errors: Error making request url:https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets?limit=50&offset=0 PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to…
linking two tables at the record level
I have two cards, each using two different data sets. * orders * order items is it possible to link the orders to the order items? On the order card....I'd like a link for the order id, when clicked, it leads to the order items for that order. Any ideas?
generate url if condition is met
I have 2 fields: * has_preview * Preview_url for the Preview_url field I am using beast mode: CONCAT('<a href=', CONCAT('https://full_url_',`presentation_id`,'.mp4 target="_blank"'), '>','Preview', '</a>') I only want the 'Preview_url' field populated if 'has_preview' field has a value of 'yes'. Any ideas how I can achieve…
convert number to text
When I upload my excel sheet, the numbers are all formatting as numbers containing commas. How can I get DOMO to see as text? Can I achieve this in excel? I dont want to have to perform a transform everytime I upload an excel sheet with numbers.
Page Analyzer Link filter not working
I am attempting a page analyzer link filter. It takes me to the page, but no filtering. Here is the beastmode: CONCAT('<a href="https://my_url.domo.com/page/-100000/kpis/details/xxxxxxx'…
Count Occurrences in String
How can I find a string within a String? My String looks like: COPD|ARDS|Pleural Effusion I am attempting to perform a count of occurrences like so: SELECT SessionNumber,EventDate, round(count( case when `Reg Category` = 'G' and `Interest Areas` LIKE '%Pleural Effusion%' then 1 end )/count(*) * 100,0) As…
Google Analytics Custom Dimension fails
I have a Google Analytics connector already working, using a custom dimension labeled 'dimension1'. The docs say to enter comma separated custom dimensions. But when I did that, comma separated, the report totally fails. How can I get my other Custom Dimension in GA to show in DOMO? Attached is a screen shot.
What are the meanings of the USER roles in DOMO
Could someone please define the various User roles. I have no clue what Privileged, Editor, Particpant mean??
DOMO Import Problems
I am importing data using the API, Java. I am only seeing 1 row of data! Am I not ending the line properly? What am I missing? What aren't my remaining rows of data getting loaded? Here is my code: String csvInput = "\""+contact.getFirstName()+"\","+ "\""+contact.getLastName()+"\","+ "\""+contact.getPhone()+"\","+…
Convert values using mapping with case
I have 2 columns, primaryAssemblies and secondaryAssemblies. A person could have "Clinical Care" as their primary assembly. They are allowed at least 1 secondary assembly. So it may look like "Critical Care, Pediatrics" I need to count each occurrence like so: (CASE when `PrimaryAssembly` like '%Allergy Immunology &…
Creating Historical Data
I want to create historical data in DOMO. Which Update setting shoujld I use? Would that be append?
Mysql Query Field not showing in Blend
I have a mysql connection and field called UsageEndDate. For some reason this field does not show up in my blend. What am I doing wrong?
Get Records out of DataSet
I can access the DataSet using the DataSet API. How do I get the data from the DataSet? Do I have to perform the CSV export? I hope not, I just want to iterate over the data in the DataSet. Here is my code: ATSDomoCredentials domoCredentials = new ATSDomoCredentials(); DataSetClient dsClient =…
Count Occurrences in String
I have a string where I am trying to count occurrences of a string within a pipe separated list of items, a string. ARDS|Lung Cancers|Pleural Effusion|Pleural Infections|Bronchoscopy|Interventional Pulmonary|Pneumothorax|Non-Invasive Ventilation|Transplantation|Shock|Mechanical Ventilation|Pleura and Chest Wall Diseases…
Providing API Credentials to a Vendor or Consultant
I am already using the DOMO api to manipulate Data Sets. How can I provide API credentials for a vendor/consultant? I dont want them using the same credentials as myself.
Case using contains and value conversion
I have two columns: 1. primary assembly 2. secondary assembly. A person has 1 primary assembly, but at least 1 secondary assembly. I am trying to do something like if primaryAssembly contains "ABC" or if secondaryAssembly contains "ABC" then 1 Here is the case I am trying but the resulting values are totally not right:…