Hubspot Writeback error
Hello! I'm trying to set up my first dataset via the Hubspot Writeback and I'm running into the following error after adding the dataset ID. My dataset I'm using is a dataflow from magic ETL that is joining the Hubspot data (containing company ID, etc) with some other data in Domo. Any help to get past this is appreciated.…
Replicate Spreadsheet P&L in Domo
I am hoping for help in recreating a simple P&L generated by my finance team in Domo. Attached is the concept in excel format. I'm looking for help on the following: What is the best way to structure this data? I have the data for the revenues and costs in a table where each row has the Period amount (i.e. Jan 2024), and…
Need help with data organization
I have P&L data that we currently have set up in it's final form in a spreadsheet that I'm trying to get into Domo and format it effectively. Thus, I'm looking for advice on the best way to handle this situation. Here is what our data looks like in the final spreadsheet. First question is, what would be a better way to…
Display Card Descriptions and Annotations in PDF prints
I'm seeing that when you download a dashboard to PDF and when doing so I'm seeing that the chart descriptions and annotations are not shown in the PDF, but they are on the dashboard. This would be very helpful to have to send externally and to clients!
Setting up SFTP
I'm working with a vendor that wants to send us data via SFTP. I looked up the documentation for the connector and sent them a .pem file pulled from my instance. They have said the following. Can someone help me find out where to get this information? Thank you! " You shared a private key from DOMO and it appears we do not…
Show Chart Descriptions and Annotations on PDF Export
I'm seeing that when you download a dashboard to PDF and when doing so I'm seeing that the chart descriptions and annotations are not shown in the PDF, but they are on the dashboard. I've attached examples of the annotations. Is there a way to make them both show on the PDF?
How to change alternating row colors
On my domo app, the alternating row colors started showing up in a color that I don't want. It only shows up when the chart is expanded. Is there a way to either turn off the alternating colors when you expand the window or change the color? Attached is a screenshot. Thank you.
Create a Line Chart that shows the different series while also showing the aggregate of the series?
I'm looking to make a line chart that shows each country region as a separate line, while also showing the aggregate grand total as its own line. Is this possible? If so, how would I go about doing so? I'm attaching one Domo screenshot, and one screenshot from Excel (which is what I want the domo one to look like). Thank…
A way to show the UTC timezone conversion in the timestamp?
I have the PST timezone conversion set for my company's instance of Domo, meaning that all timezones fed in from our database are being converted from UTC to PST. Example: if there is timestamp in my database saying 2024-03-15T11:43:02, then it will show (post-conversion to PST) as Mar 15, 2024 3:43:02PM as the timestamp…
Why are filters showing on one embed dashboard and not the other?
I have two dashboards that are currently actively embedded and available to the end user. Both of these dashboards are embedded on our internal portal via iframe. One of the dashboards does have a filter showing when you hover over the top right corner and the other one doesn't. Can someone help me understand why? I've…
How to set up date variables to have time lookback
I am trying to create a card that will properly look back in time so that the dates being filtered reflect that look back in time. Here is the situation We get ratings from customers and want to wait a certain amount of time to measure the 'response rate' We do this by saying that it, on average, takes customers 75 days to…
LinkedIn Recruiter Data
Hello, The talent team at my company is looking to to import LinkedIn Recruiter data to allow us to track activity by the recruiting team for the work they are doing in there. The goal is to retrieve the following data All inmail messages data (being sent by recruiters, responses, etc) Projects (jobs) data tied to inmails…
Way to Have Static Average Compared to Dynamic Aggregation
I am looking to show the Utilization rate for customers over a period of time. I have a dataset that has all customer utilization data and want to be able to show how that stacks up to the whole company average for that period. My goal is to have the utilization value be the aggregated utilization value that can be…