Color rules in Domo Phoenix
Hi all, I am using the DDX Phoenix Scatter Plots App and wanted to apply some color rules like you do in a regular card in Analyzer. I was looking at the documentation but it is only shown how to change the color palette, not how to apply color rules (ex: if Metric < 1 then red else green). Do you have any suggestion?…
Magic ETL Organization Tiles
Would be nice to have a feature to add a box around several tiles in order to organise better the dataflow. Sometimes we have a complex dataflow with several business logic and a lot of tiles, and it would be easier to identify the several steps with that boxes. An example of that is like the one in Unreal Engine:
Using pfilters with more than one value
Hi, we have this dashboard with several card filters and we want to click in one "button" that would open the same dashboard with all the filters applied. We know that this is able to do it easily by creating a BeastMode with pfilters as shown here and in the @MarkSnodgrass video. However, we are not able to find a way to…
Improve Auth method for SharePoint Connector Plugin via Workbench
We had a problem with the SharePoint plugin for Workbench because it only supports Basic Authentication. In the past, we were connecting to SharePoint just fine but the customer upgraded their authentication method from Basic to Modern and now the jobs we had stopped working. It would be nice for Domo to add the…
Is it possible to make a HTTP request using the Python Script tile of Magic ETL?
We would like to use data of a dataset in the body of a POST request and we were wondering if the Python Script tile in Magic ETL would work for that. We have analyzed but it does not seem to have libraries for that. We have this solution to export the dataset and make the request in a Python script in a Virtual Machine…
Domo instance API - Method Not Allowed
We want to interact with our Domo instance via scripting namely for triggering a Magic ETL or MySQL dataflow. We noticed that there is a way to interact with the API for our Domo instance by using first an authentication method. However, when we tried to use that method (either in Python scripting or in Postman) it returns…
Workbench - Preview Schema Data Type Error
We have been trying Workbench in different computers including the main server where we will upload data to our Domo instance. In this example, we are uploading data from a CSV file which have different data types (STRING, DATETIME, DECIMAL) and, in general, in all computers the Workbench maps the schema correctly during…
Workbench - Different jobs ID when importing
We are moving from one on-premise server to another on-premise server and we need to set the same Domo Workbench jobs in the new on-premise server. We exported the jobs to a local backup file in the old server, then we copy the file to the new server and then we imported the jobs from the file to Domo Workbench. Everything…
Period over Period - Specific Date Field instead of Current Date
We want to use the Period over Period charts since they make comparisons between different periods very quickly. As you know there are some requisites to build a PoP chart and one of them is the "Date Range". We noticed that this field takes into account the current date so, for instance, "This Year" today it will give the…
Delete User API
We need to remove more than 200 users in our instance and we want to do this in bulk. For that we thought on calling the User API via scripting so it could execute quickly. However, the API is returning an error 400 referring that the user owns datasets and therefore can't be deleted. We already have confirmed that the…
Workbench ODBC - Dynamic query/parameter
When we are establishing a new job in Domo Workbench of the type ODBC, we write the query in the box of Database Query Editor as in the image below. However the query we want to do should not be static and we would like to modify that query based on external triggers. For example, in the image, is it possible to pass a…
Is it possible to do CTE hierarchical recursive query in MySQL?
I have a table with thousands of rows in which there is a relationship of child/parent between the rows. For each record I would like to have all the hierarchy related with that record. As an example, I have the following table and for the id=19 I would like to return all its related children, which are [20, 21, 22] I have…