The following article can tell you about Variance Line Bar charts which may be what you are looking for.
I don't think there is a way to do that currently.
you could rank the stores using the rank and window feature in an ETL and then filter on the rank
Could you give an example of what the value looks like before you export it?
I don't believe there is a way to do that currently, you may need to change it in the source data
Do you have an example of the current format and how that should look as the end result?
I do not believe the API that the connector uses is set up to pull external buckets, you may need to look into the S3 API documentation to see if they have a way to pull that data
You may need to reach out to Domo Support to get this investigated
Are you using Adobe Illustrator?
Have you tried using the regular Criteo connector?
Have you tried pulling the data via an API outside of Domo to confirm the credentials?
It sounds like you got it figured out, was there any other questions you had?
Are you using the R tile or the R plugin?
What version of workbench are you using and is this an ODBC connection?
Hello, As far as I know dynamic Annotations are not available, this would be a good opportunity for Product Feedback though.
Hello, I would need to get a better look at how you have set up the connector in order to understand why it is acting this way, can you provide some information on the configuration?
Hello, It sounds like Adobe support would be the best resource to help out, have you tried reaching out to them?
It doesn't look like that is currently available, the article below gives all the information on the connector and it doesn't seem to have that option.
Hello, This largely depends on what your data looks like, there is a chance you could get away with using beastmodes to do this but if the data is messy you may want to use a dataflow.
Hello, I would check to make sure there are no spaces or other text characters that could be causing the data type to change.
Hello, Currently, there is no timeline for a Publication Group Endpoint but you could submit product feedback by following the steps in the article below to request this feature.
Hello, There doesn't appear to be a workaround for this currently but you could submit product feedback to request this feature.
Awesome, thanks again.
Hello, Thanks for the information, did you have any questions to go along with this?
Hello, If you are trying to set a custom width on your funnel chart the "category scale" options in the chart properties has some basic options for that. If that doesn't cover what you need you could also submit feedback by following the steps below.…
There are some options for customizing the message an alert sends but I don't believe I've ever seen an option to pinpoint a specific value in the card. This article would be able to tell you more
Are you referring to the data that you bring into Domo or just the users within Domo?
This could have something to do with the changes in Googles API, I have included the messaging describing that change below. Important: Due to Google’s change in allowing Domo connectors to use OAuth authentication, all users must now use service account key authentication to create new data connections. All pre-existing…
Have you whitelisted the proper IP addresses in your server, if not you can find that list here,
The name of the file would have to be at least consistent enough that you can choose the partial file name that would fit every file.