Combining Filtered Rows to one table
Hello, I am using one dataset for all three cards shown below. I have them on separate cards right now as they each are filtered to different things. Is there a way I can combine them so they would all show on one card/table together with one heading but show the three rows one under another with their filters still…
Enable Conditional Coloring in Charts Based on Another Column or Beast Mode
I would like to sugest the possibility to configuring color rules in charts based on the value of another column or using a Beast Mode calculation. This limitation affects the ability to create dynamic and insightful visualizations that can easily highlight key trends or underperformance. The absence of this functionality…
Grouped Bar Chart - Data Table does not allow Text alignment to center
It would be nice if we could choose the data table to also align to the center or left as needed for the consumer…see snapshots
Card Size Sliders won't go away????
Hi Community, I've never experienced this before and now sure what happened to cause it. See screenshot below - but all of the "dividers" / borders of cards are still present even though I deleted the cards. How can I get rid of these ghost borders?
How to remove all grid lines except for X & Y zero lines
The subject pretty much lays it out. I want to remove all gridlines on the visual except for X & Y zero lines. I use grid lines sparingly, especially on scatter plots, but sometimes I want to include the specified lines for esthetics or whatever but can't seem to figure out how to accomplish that. The closest I can get is…
How to shift first week of year from December to January?
The card pictured below is filtered to 2025 - however, Domo's default week starts the prior Sunday which still lands in the month of December. I would like it to show a January date instead for the first week of 2025. I would ideally not like to use week numbers over actual dates on the x-axis. Has anyone else experienced…
Apply color rules based on one column's values to other columns
There are so many use cases where this would be applicable. I am seeing a number of other discussions about this, but not any that are actually in the Idea Exchange. So I am posting it here just in case. If it already exists, someone please let me know and I will upvote that one.
Base64 Decoder
Would like to have Domo be able to decode a column with Base64 data to a JSON formatted column/file/dataset.
Exporting Dataset as CSV ignores the Round function
Hi, I have a dataset that I need to extract. In the ETL, I round the column to 2 decimal places. When I extract the data and open it in MSExcel, I see the 2 decimal places. However, if I open it in notepad, I see multiple decimal places. How can I avoid this to happen? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
How to Display Repeated Values in a pivot table?
Running into an issue where a pivot table suppresses a repeated value while in a different group. In the image, I am needing the Care Level "CS" to display "Enhanced Studio" in the "Unit Type" column for unit 237. Currently it is suppressing since the above value is the same… Anyone know how to do this? Thanks!
Horizontal orientation for Radio button list to occupy less space in forms.
Hello Team, I am trying to build a form in Domo Apps and used the radio buttons as options, I have 10 options in my list and by default they are placed one below other and hence the length of the option section has increased. I wanted to place them horizontally so that it takes less space as radio buttons. Please suggest.…
Table card column borders and padding/empty columns for visual enhancement
In excel, financial statements and schedules often include empty columns to visually separate or group together columns showing different metrics. It would be great if Domo had the ability to insert padded columns in the same way. Currently when you have a table card that displays multiple metrics and variances, it all…
Number Abbreviation Options
Can we please have the option to fix the number abbreviation at a certain level, i.e., have all numbers always displayed in K, M, or B? Currently the abbreviations are automatically determined, but dashboard users have found it confusing to mix the units of measures in the same table.
Ability to override Colour Source colours on Filled Gauge cards
For this particular example, I'm using a filled gauge which has the ability to automatically change the colour based on the target value by selecting either "Green Above Target" or "Green Below Target" resulting in the below red or green. The problem with this is that the specific green and red that the card uses is locked…
Add option to Trellis/Tiered Date Settings to continue cumulative totals
Currently when using Trellis/Tiered Dates on a card, a cumulative total will reset in the different sections. Whilst this is useful when reporting cumulative totals by periods, trellis/tiered dates need to be removed when cumulative totals are required across different periods. See below examples Suggesting to add an…
Conditional Formatting - table MoM
Hello, I'm trying to set color rules/conditional formatting in a table card. What I'd like to do is set rules that if that months sales figure is higher than the previous it'll be green, if that months sales figures is lower than the previous it'll be red. (ex. If July sold 10, but Aug sold 8 August's value would show as…
Boxplot Data Label Improvements
The options for the boxplot data label settings are pretty limiting. Although they have provided some great opportunities to visualise, due to their positioning (and options), I often struggle to present the data in a way that is accessible to the layman. It does not make sense for the median to position itself above the…
Can you add count (n) to box-plot graphics?
Hey all, Has anyone managed to add a count to a series boxplot graphic? I want to show the distribution of a score against categories, however, I also want to present the number of items in the category. Is anyone aware of a way to facilitate this? Best, Sam
Need to Show Actual Start and End Dates, not "This Week/Last Week/Last 2 Weeks"
G'day everyone 👋 I'm trying to use Smart Text (dynamic text) to show the dates being filtered, however the text comes through just as the filter looks (eg. This Week, Last Week, Last 2 Weeks, etc). Ideally, we'd like to show the actual dates being reported (eg. 08/12/2024 - 08/18/2024). I am a bit stuck trying to make this…
i would like to color the table text
hello, i would like to conditional format text only. When I use the color rules, it just colors the background. Is there a way to do this?
Please consider the implementation of a NUMBER_FORMAT function in Beast Mode in the same vein that we have DATE_FORMAT and TIME_FORMAT. This would take a number, and based on parameters, format the number (add thousand separator commas, percent sign, currency sign). Numerous discussions have been had in the forums about…
Dynamic Conditional Formatting
Current conditional formatting is very useful, however still quite limited in functionality especially with numeric and date values as these are static. A current workaround for this is to utilise HTML tables, or create additional columns for above/below the required targets, which gets quite messy. It would be hugely…
Form Builder and Form Viewer Transformation
I am trying to use submissions we get from forms in DOMO via form viewer/builder apps and turn them into usable datasets that we can create cards with. Right now the form submission data puts the label in one column and the value in another and I would like to make it where the data looks like this: Date: | Model: |…
New Update Column Justification logic
Hey, There's been an update on how sort shows on table headers. When an item is centre-justified, the sort buttons offset the justification to the left, which makes it look absolutely rubbish. Has anyone got a workaround for this thats isn't removing sorting from the whole table? Best, Sam
Snap to Grid functionality in Magic ETL
Aligning the tiles in magic ETL can become quite cumbersome without any grid or guides for the tiles to line up with. It would be great for the default behavior of tiles to snap to a grid or show guide-lines that signify when tiles are aligned.
Beast Mode - Grouping
Hi! I am trying to fix this beast mode calculation to group properly. I need the time to group 12am-6am and then show 7am-7pm as separate lines and then group 8pm-11:59pm. The opened date column i am using is in this format '2023-10-22T07:18:17' which is why I am trying to use the beast mode, but the grouping doesn't seem…
Period over Period Multi Value Chart Number Formatting
Hello All, Brand new user to Domo. Have experience with Tableau/Power BI but Domo is a fresh software for me. I am struggling with something that seems very simple but cannot figure it out. We are creating PoP comparison charts. We look at EXACT numbers with everything so this PoP Multi Value Chart is pairing down our…
Allow formatting for "Grid Lines" Properties
Regarding the Calculated Line specifically that can appear in bar charts () - please allow formatting or auto default to an abbreviated scale so we don't see 16,000,0000,000.00 taking up real estate on a chart.
Data Formatting
Hi All, I am working with a number that doesn't seem that big but when domo ingests the excel file, it is wanted to add scientific notation to it. I need the numbers in the format they were entered in. I am in Magic ETL. Can anyone help?
Edge of filters getting clipped in Domo
This is a very minor inconvenience I face when trying to build a dashboard. The right borders of any filters I add to dashboards as cards seem to get clipped. Anyone else face this issue and know how to avoid it? The right edge next to the dropdown arrow in the filter is what I'm referring to