Data storage
Hello, I understand any data coming from files and output datasets from DOMO ETLs shall store data in DOMO Cloud. Any of the following shall also store in DOMO Cloud? DataFlows SQL View (DOMO) Adrenaline Transform What if I use federated connection as my connector? or an API to retrieve data from source and leverage any of…
Is there a way to track which DOMO assets (cards, datasets, dataflow, etc) uses a specific field?
We found the Card Fields & Beast Modes Governance dataset which shows what fields are being used in cards and beast modes but we would like to track a field name from it's original dataset > name change (if it applies) > DOMO asset.
Where is my data going??
My data seems to be disappearing between the ETL and the final data that it actually outputs. Here are some pictures to try to explain what's happening. The first image shows the preview on the final tile in the workflow (being the output file titled Work Numbers (Final)). The second image shows the same chunk of data,…
Notification when dataset or dataflow runs
Hello, Have some clients asking about an alert when a dataset or dataflow has completed. Currently we just have failed notification but clients would like to get a confirmation on vital dataflows/datasets completed, during immediate need moments. Helps when we are using the DOMO cloud to pull data from DOMO into other…
Budget to Actual - Multiple Dimensions & Different Datasets
I have a budget dataset with the following columns: _Account _Subsidiaries _Department _Doctor _Location (Not in Use) _Headcount Resources _Placeholder 4 _Year _Period _Scenario _Currency _Measure _value I have an actuals dataset with the following columns: Appointment Date Status Appointment Type Patient Account Number…
Open dataflow version comments for edit after the save
We have a difficult time getting people to document the changes they have made to a dataflow. I would like the ability to go back and document a certain version of a dataflow after it has been saved.
Pivot/Group By - Make Multiple rows into one row and add columns
Hi Community - thanks as always for the consistent great help. I'm attempting to Group/Pivot/Join/Append (not sure exactly what the methodology will be) multiple rows of Patients into single rows with additional columns. Right now, each patient event is on it's own row. So, a patient seen on Monday and then also on Tuesday…
STR_TO_DATE throwing Parsing error in ETL
I am facing a error while converting string to date. This process is done in the ETL Date column has value - Jun 11, 2024 @ 14:33:22.000 Formula - STR_TO_DATE(@timestamp, '%M %e, %Y @ %H:%i:%S.000') The error showing is as attached below Note : We receive data using email connector. Please let me know where it is going…
Compare to Budget - Actuals in one Dataset and Budget Values in second Dataset
Hi community, BLUF: How can I compare budget to actual? We have data in one system that holds our actual sales amounts. We have data in a separate system that holds the budgeted sales amounts. I want to show the actuals and the budgeted in the same card. This seems easy enough in theory, but I've been struggling to…
Magic ETL - how to structure Multiple fields that represent monlthy budget amounts
Hi i have a question concerning structuring variable fields using group by. So currently I have 12 variable fields, where a user can input a budget amount in each field, for a total of 12 months. the budgeting can start during any given month, so i have a starting month field, that the user must use to enter the budget for…
Dataset/Dataflow update trigger expirations
It would be very helpful, especially as customers move to consumption, to have advanced dataset update controls to have triggers expire. As an example, I have survey data that I want to update frequently during the survey window, but then stop once the survey has ended and no new data will be added. Right now my option is…
ETL - How to spread a Budget over two dates within a variable date range.
I have various start and end dates for campaigns. I know how to calculate the # of days between any get set of dates. But, what I am trying to set up in the etl is this - if I have a budget amount, start date and end date, what is the easiest way for me to have the etl calculate the division of the budget over the given…
Has Anyone Set Up Domo Alerts to Identify Long Running Dataflows?
We had an issue this last week where some jobs were duplicating and exploding rows. Some dataflows ran for 18+ hours without erroring. I'd like to set up some alerts for this and wondering if anyone has already done something like this and could share their set up. Thank you
Break out rows depending on columns having a value
Hi, I have a dataset that looks like this: Name ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 A 1 2 3 4 B 5 6 7 C 8 9 D 10 I want to break out these Names by the different IDs, like so: Name ID A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 D 10 How would I approach this in Magic ETL? Thank you.
Delay Dataflow Trigger
It would be helpful if I could delay a trigger to run 5, 10, 15 minutes after the dataset updates. Use case: My daily data upload process is completed, kicking off the updates of many datasets in Domo. One such dataset could be updated by a single dataflow, which could have six different datasets combined. Some of these…
Waterfall Chart that allows for intermediate results
Hi, we are currently not able to built a waterfall with intermediate results using the waterfall chart in domo. It is somehow possible with a workaround using the bar chart to create bars that reflect an intermediate result step. This would be super useful, since for now we are opting out for other solution that are more…
Multiple case statements
I have 3 columns in a table with with fruit name , benchmark value and achieved benchmark value. Ideally I would like to use colors on a table when (in this example) : Apple is equal or greater than Apple benchmark value then Green, else Red Orange is equal or greater than Orange benchmark value then Green, else Red Pear…
Ability to remove unnecessary columns directly in the input DataSet before loading all its rows
The functionality I require is already available in the MySQL and Redshift DataFlow… …in this example deselecting "department" and "state" columns. This option would make it possible not to load all columns for all rows in the DataSet. I hope it will be available in the Magic ETL input DataSets as soon as possible. Thank…
Inline Line Editing Structure
Hello, I am trying to use inline editing to make changes to a dataset by labeling a line item 'YES' or 'NO'. The data I receive is replaced each morning (Some line items are updated, some are removed, some stay the same. ) Currently any changes I make today to the data will be erased the next morning. I have tried doing a…
New Dataflow Run Options
Looks like Domo has silently updated trigger options for dataflows (hopefully its not silent and they tell people, I think it just got to my instance about an hour ago so hoping I am just early and more details will come out soon). I love this idea but do feel it is a bit clunky and requires a lot more clicks but I need to…
MAGIC ETL/DATAFLOWS Q&A from Domopalooza
The product team enjoyed answering questions from the audience during the final session at Domopalooza. Below you will find the answers to all questions related to Magic ETL and Dataflows (including those that weren't mentioned on stage). Q: When are you going to upgrade the MySQL version in MySQL DataFlows? A: We do not…
Reloading Recursive Dataflow Data
Hello, I have a recursive data flow running daily adding on and updating our sales data. It was discovered that the join wasn't using a fully unique identifier so some rows of data have been cut out over time. I want to clear out the data and resend it all to domo so that I make sure I have it all. Is there a way to clear…
How do I search for rows containing specific text and replace the information in that row?
I have a column in my ETL dataset that is named "City", in that column there are multiple city names however they have been put in in all different ways (ie: st george, St. George, ST George). I would like to search that column for rows containing 'george' and replace the information in that row with 'St. George'. I've…
Share DataFlow (all input datasets)
It'd be great to have a Share Dataflow button which would allow users to share all of the input datasets with a user instead of having to track down all of the multiple dataset inputs and share each of those individually which is quite time consuming.
More Dataflow suggestion: When I "cancel" out of a data flow don't dump me back to the Dataflow page
It doesn't always happen, but when it does, UGH. I hit cancel when in an ETL and then I go all the way back to the All Dataflows page. I don't want to go that far back. That's not even where I started. It seems to depend on how I get to the ETL. In this case I can be in the Overview page, click edit etl, once in the etl I…
Beast mode CASE calculation for number ranges that have null values in column.
I have a column that has data type numeric and has numeric values and around 5 blank values. I am trying to categorize the number to ranges 1-5, 5-10 and so on. The column has blank values as well. Well, when I am trying to implement the CASE calculation in beast mode, it throws me a calculation error. How do I correct…
How do I get started with MySQL Dataflows?
Hello all, I have roughly two years experience with creating Magic ETLs, but no experience with MySQL dataflows. I'm seeking to experiment with MySQL just for the sake of experimentation. Background: I've written thousands of Case When Statements for Beast Modes and calculated fields, but have very little actual SQL…
Recover a deleted dataflow
Hi, I was doing some cleanup and deleted some datasets that resulted in the deletion of a dataflow. Is there a way to recover deleted dataflows? I noticed a deleted dataflow could be recovered if you find a link to it: —but I can't find a link to the dataflow I need. Thanks.
Creating views on Domo virtualized datasets from the client/subscriber side
We have a customer who wants to be able to create and view virtualized datasets in Domo from the subscriber/client side. Unfortunately, this feature is not currently available in the product. However, the customer has found a workaround for this issue by using Dataflows within the subscriber -instance.