Cloud Amplifier dataset views can't be remapped to use datasets from other CA connections
We use separate users and databases for our DEV and PROD environments. When we use traditional Snowflake connectors and build dataset views, we can remap the dataset views between datasets from our DEV and PROD accounts with no problem. However, Cloud Amplifier does not support this capability. So, if we build a dataset…
Cloud Amp Output Does not Appear when Changing Dataset within DataSet Views
This is a bit frustrating, has anyone had an issue with trying to sub in a different dataset from a Cloud Amp output (specifically from DataBricks) within a DataSet View? It won't even bring up any of Cloud Amp outputs when I try to search for it under "Type". Would really not want to create an entirely new DataSet View…
Cloud Amplifier grants
Hi, Cloud Amplifier requires Manage Cloud accounts. We’d like to request the enhancement to split this grant into 2: Create cloud accounts Manage All Cloud Accounts So, we could assign more granular grants to our end users who could create the Cloud Accounts but not manage all of them. Does it make sense? Thank you,…
Toggle Auto Preview on/off at the instance level (Company Settings)
As Domo admins, we should be able to control whether Auto Preview is automatically enabled when users launch Analyzer in our Domo instances. This is especially important as Cloud Amplifier is implemented because of the potential cost implications of, for example, querying Snowflake each time a user modifies almost anything…
Cloud Amplifier - Databricks - Unable to retrieve schemas
All my catalogs can be retrieved/validated just fine except for one that returns the "Cannot retrieve schemas" error or "Cannot validate table" error. I've attached screenshots below. 99% confident this is a Databricks issue but cannot pinpoint what is different about this catalog vs the others… I am using a personal…
CLOUD AMPLIFIER Q&A from Domopalooza
The product team enjoyed answering questions from the audience during the final session at Domopalooza. Below you will find the answers to all questions related to Cloud Amplifier (including those that weren't mentioned on stage). Q: If we use Cloud Amplifier with Snowflake...it will consume credits from my snowflake…
Domopalooza Cloud Amplifier & Magic ETL Feature Release
We are excited to announce enhancements to Domo's Magic ETL and Cloud Amplifier tools. Magic ETL Magic ETL is Domo’s secret weapon for building data pipelines with ease. With a simple drag-and-drop interface, Magic ETL makes it easy to clean and combine data without knowing SQL. In this release, enhancements have been made…
Cloud Amplifier - Incremental Load
I'm Running MAGIC ETL to Transfer Data from Cloud Amplifier dataset (connected to Snowflake view with about 200 million rows) to a dataset without any transformation. Every time it takes about 1 hour 20 minutes to fetch data from Cloud Amplifier dataset (S3LoaderAction) as it seems it is doing full Data fetch all the time.…
Allow naming of tables in Snowflake with Cloud Amplifier
Currently when data is added into Snowflake via Domo's cloud amplifier, it is not possible to choose the name of the dataset in Snowflake. It is named as 'DATASET_0001' etc. but it would be better to be given the same name as the dataset in Domo.
Cloud Amplifier - Snowflake - Choose schema and custom DB and Schema names
For Cloud Amplifier on Snowflake, it would be helpful if we were able to: Choose both the destination DB and Schema that the data lands in (rather than having to go only to the Domo managed DB and Domo manage schema "RAW_DOMO". Be able to rename the DB and Schema that is generated when the connection is set up The reason…
Disable Auto-Preview for Cards (Federated Connections / System Wide)
We currently have a mix of Domo datasets plus federated datasets in our instance. When new cards are created, Domo often picks columns that are pretty irrelevant most of the time. While this isn't much of a big deal for Domo datasets since there is a speed advantage there, it creates a negative user experience for…