When clicking to filter, shouldn't the default be to INCLUDE the value???
Let's say I want to filter the page for the owner changes. Since the slices get small, I have to use the legend to do that. It excludes the values instead of filtering. For extra fun, it also makes the page filter 'In' all the other values! I am also providing an example, using a bar chart, since we would so clearly want…
How can I create a beastmode that will return the desired substring in a field?
Hi all, I've given this multiple attempts and just can't seem to get it. I have a field called 'Destination' that I want to use in a Beastmode that will return the first substring of "B-FGI" or "FGI" in a value such as "Doe, John A-B-FGI-20.15.0003.B-FGI" or "Doe, John A-FGI-20.15.0003.B-FGI". I also want to create another…
Drill Down to an Existing Card
It would be excellent if you could choose an existing DOMO Card to use on the Drill Path screen as your Drill-in-Place Card. I have a specific Table Card that I use for almost everything as a Drill-in-Place bottom level card. Because i use it across cards types, datasets, and drill-path levels a simple "Save As" and…
Read pfilters in DDX Brick
We have created APP in DOMO and we are using pfilters to load the dashboard as per filters passed like we are passing client id, date range. We had to create DDX Brick as we wanted some custom logic for one card so DOMO suggested to use DDX bricks. We have created a DDX Brick and added card in APP for this Brick.…
Setting to place labels inside Donut Chart (and perhaps repair some spacing issues)
This looks silly, and there's definitely room to bring those labels to 'center': This looks even worse, and the labels interfere with the hover labels: This looks less silly, but doesn't have the nice interaction, showing the hover labels inside the circle: Also, notice how much nicer the spacing is with the pie chart,…
Dashboard - Overview/Favorites - Ability to add card directly to Collection
Currently, a user has to go through multiple steps to add a card to a Collection within Favorites or Overview. Instead, allow the user to select from existing collections or create and add to a new collection when adding a card to Overview or Favorites.
Is it possible to fill in missing dates at the card level | Fill Missing Dates button isn't working
I read the article linked above… Is there a way to do this sort of thing at the card level? The Fill Missing Dates option is not working. I'm having an issue with it dropping dates that have no corresponding values on almost all of my bar charts. My dates are all weekly and there's weeks with no data on every card. I don't…
Any way I can add a column to a card table that I can write comment on it?
I have a simple table card with some columns and beastmode calculations. But I would like to add a blank column where I can write a comment on it. Is that something javascript/css/html can do?
Variable control at card-level does not ever show all variables
The UI on the variable control when looking at a card in Expand Details mode is not big enough to actually work with the variable. It seems to only populate 2 options, and the scroll bar makes it super hard to actually see what they are. Unlike Quick Filters, which expand to the height of however many items are in them…
Notecard Card changes won't save?
I'm in the process of creating a series of Notecards with hyperlinks and an image in a Design Dashboard. After adding the links and the image to a card, the updates disappear after navigating away from the page. This has happened several times in a row - am I missing something or is there a known Notecard bug?
Maintaining old content
Looking for ideas on how you are ensuring all of the content you create remains up to date? Weekly I get an email/teams message asking why something on a card/page/app is wrong. I hate that we are always reactive and want to find a process to be more proactive. I feel like each time this happens trust in data/Domo…
Beast Modes Affecting Card Performance
Hello, I'm curious if anyone else has noticed degraded performance making and editing cards due to the amount of beast modes on the dataset/card? We are trying to isolate this issue with some of our datasets, and try moving calculated field logic down to the ETL to come through as a column. Has anyone else experienced or…
Is there a way to aggregate the output using a FIXED function used in a CASE statement?
I'm a MajorDomo in a large retailer, and I'm working to rewrite our TY/LY Beast Modes to calculate off of a "Week Number in Epoch" column, rather than comparing against Fiscal Week as we move into a Week 53. I previously asked about writing a temp table in a Beast Mode (https://dojo.domo.com/main/discussion/comment/59532),…
Benchmark reporting
I have a lot of data about my customers use of our products and i am looking to create a report that compares there account to the anonymised full customer base. Whats the best way to do this? To add a small challenge, i will be later using these reports in dashboards that will be embedded on our portal with Serverside…
Datasets that are added in the Drill path are not shared with the Dashboard groups
If you create a Dashboard and share it with Group A, the memebers of that group will have access to all of the cards and datasets on the dashboard for any drills down cards to different datasets that might exist at that time. You can then update the drill down of a card on that Dashboard creating a card that is linked to a…
Ability to override Colour Source colours on Filled Gauge cards
For this particular example, I'm using a filled gauge which has the ability to automatically change the colour based on the target value by selecting either "Green Above Target" or "Green Below Target" resulting in the below red or green. The problem with this is that the specific green and red that the card uses is locked…
Allow NOT IN option on dropdown filter cards
Chart Properties for a filter card allow for a few controls (multiple selections was a big win, thank you) However, it does not allow us to show an In/Out filter, which is default feature on page filters. If I add a dropdown filter card in App Studio, we can use it for "include" but not "exclude". The control panel is…
P&L Card - Pivot Table
Hello, I am trying to create a P&L via DOMO pivot table card with our GL accounts. Everything works except the ability to show NET INCOME & EBITDA at the bottom. How would I go about this? I can use filter functions to show one or the other but cant see both at once. Is there a dynamic filter function or grouping beast…
Option to Remove "Duplicate Of..." Prefix When Duplicating Pages/Apps
Would it be possible to add an option to edit (or remove) the "Duplicate Of" prefix that gets added to every card after duplicating a page or app? If there was an option to specify the prefix (or simply keep the same name) that would prevent the need to rename every card after duplicating the page or app.
Add option to Trellis/Tiered Date Settings to continue cumulative totals
Currently when using Trellis/Tiered Dates on a card, a cumulative total will reset in the different sections. Whilst this is useful when reporting cumulative totals by periods, trellis/tiered dates need to be removed when cumulative totals are required across different periods. See below examples Suggesting to add an…
Calendar Card Enhancement - More colours
Calendar to allow more than 5 colour customisations - at least 13 additional colours.
Aggregate (SUM) the results of Lead Function Beast mode at Card Level
I have a dataset wherein I have to count the number of cases which falls in the below filter and conditions. CASE -- Check if the current row is 'Ringing' and lasted 11 seconds or less WHEN STATE = 'Ringing' AND TIME_TO_SEC(AGENT STATE TIME) <= 11 AND LEAD(STATE) OVER (PARTITION BY AGENT NAME ORDER BY DATE, AGENT NAME) =…
Dropdown Selector: always have pre-selected the latest date on a filter card.
Hi, I have a filter card (dropdown selector) to display all dates available and I would like to have pre-selected the latest date. Is this possible? Right now I added it by manually typing the latest month but I'd like it to switch automatically when the month ends. Any ideas are welcome! Thanks
'Prevent drilling to final data grid view' manage at dashboard level
Rather than having to open and edit each card's drill path manually, it would be very convenient to have a setting at the dashboard level to prevent drilling to the final data grid view on all cards on a dashboard.
BeastMode code to take one value from each category
This question is going to be really difficult to describe, but I will try anyway. I am trying to get a unit count for each facility, the problem is that bc we filter by time and different facilities can gain units over time, I can not just have one row per facility, I have a row for each month. That being said I need it to…
Default Values on Filter Cards
It would be a huge QOL improvement for our company if filter cards could have a default value selected (the most recent date, the first value in ascending order, all values that equal a specific string, etc.) because many of our dashboards need to have a single filter value selected to display accurate data. For example,…
Possible to use a value that ignores filters?
I'm looking for a way to use a value in a beast mode formula that ignores my current filters. I've been wrapping my head around this problem and can't think of another way to solve it. Here is an example with my issue: Let's say my company has 5000 employees. There is a survey database with multiple rows of data for each…
Beastmode to return current month value? And what's the best card type to show the variance?
My dataset has these columns: year (int), month (int), target, actual I created a BeastMode to return the current month (Aug) value for both target & actual, but instead of showing an actual value for Aug, it shows 0. CASE WHEN month = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE()) THEN target ELSE '0' END Since I want to see the variance for…
Hover Text Settings for Radial Gauge
It would be helpful to be able to turn off the hover text on a radial gauge. I would like to be able to show the range without the customer seeing the actual value. @JasonAltenburg