Alerts - Categories in the body of email
Can you get categories value to display in the body of an alerts In the attached - The category value: MSV500004534 is displayed with the alert showing an increase in the over $1000. This is how the value use to show in the alert The other image shows how the report send the alert to the email currently. Only the summary…
Pause Alerts
I would like a way to pause my alerts. I have a case where I use alerts to make sure data is updated but I am temporarily stopping the effort while some changes are made. I don't want to delete the alert but it is annoying to keep getting emails that I just end up deleting. It would be great to just pause this and then…
Remove phone call alert option from Alerts Centre and related screens
This is not available to customers, creating confusion.
Add Alert Scheduling Options
Right now, the alerts in Domo have very limited scheduling options. It would be incredibly useful to add more scheduling options, similar to DataSet/DataFlow run schedules. Quarterly would be nice, like last day of the quarter. And a certain number of days after trigger. Currently, the options are very limiting and they…
Ownership for Alerts
When a team member leaves our organization and is the owner of alerts, we need the ability to change ownership as well as create Co-owners.
Add option for warning when Limit Rows field is exceeded.
If a card's data exceeds the default number of rows, it displays a warning, "WARNING! Not all of the data is shown." It's now possible to use the Limit Rows field in the Analyzer to increase the number of rows a card can display from the default 25k, but if this manual limit is exceeded there is no longer a warning on the…
Need a Pop Up for WatchOuts
Whenevere we open any page, we should have a feature to create a popup card or pop up screen where we can add watchout/Lateste Updates/New things around etc; That popup should stay until user does not close it mannually or click anywhere on the DOMO Screen.