Form Builder and Form Viewer Transformation

I am trying to use submissions we get from forms in DOMO via form viewer/builder apps and turn them into usable datasets that we can create cards with. Right now the form submission data puts the label in one column and the value in another and I would like to make it where the data looks like this:

Date: | Model: | Serial: | Yes: | No:

2023-02-24 | BZRVDW324SS | .01/O110035289 | True | False

How would I go about doing this? I tried using pivot tiles but I am having trouble setting it up correctly. I also do not know which unique identifier to use to group the correct answers with the same submission.

Please let me know your thoughts...


Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    You are on the right track. I use form builder/viewer and here is what the main part of my ETL looks like that gets the data structured like you want.

    I first filter to submitted entries by filtering to where submitted = true. This eliminates where people started filling it out, but then abandoned it.

    The select columns tile reduces it down to the necessary columns that I am interested in.

    In the pivot tile, start with this:

    In the lower section, you will tell it what to look for an what to call it. In section 4, enter in the name of the field that you want to pivot exactly as it was entered in your form builder (including capitalization and punctuation.) For example, if you had a question in your form that said , "How many years of experience do you have?", you would need to enter that exact text in section 4. In section 3, you assign what name you want to give it as a column heading. I make 3 & 4 the same so there is no confusion as to what question it represents. Here is what some of mine look like.

    This will get your data in the structure you want. You can use additional tiles like Formula or Alter Columns to change these new columns to specific data types to make it easier to build cards off of.

    Hope this helps.

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    You are on the right track. I use form builder/viewer and here is what the main part of my ETL looks like that gets the data structured like you want.

    I first filter to submitted entries by filtering to where submitted = true. This eliminates where people started filling it out, but then abandoned it.

    The select columns tile reduces it down to the necessary columns that I am interested in.

    In the pivot tile, start with this:

    In the lower section, you will tell it what to look for an what to call it. In section 4, enter in the name of the field that you want to pivot exactly as it was entered in your form builder (including capitalization and punctuation.) For example, if you had a question in your form that said , "How many years of experience do you have?", you would need to enter that exact text in section 4. In section 3, you assign what name you want to give it as a column heading. I make 3 & 4 the same so there is no confusion as to what question it represents. Here is what some of mine look like.

    This will get your data in the structure you want. You can use additional tiles like Formula or Alter Columns to change these new columns to specific data types to make it easier to build cards off of.

    Hope this helps.

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  • @MarkSnodgrass This works perfectly. Thank you for your help on this!



  • @MarkSnodgrass Hey Mark another question on form builder/viewer. When I submit a form through formbuilder the response dataset populates with the submission, but it seems that the form viewer does not have working submissions. What would be the issue here?

    It will let me fill out form accordingly but when I hit submit it does not update or populate the dataset.


  • @gbrown if you are talking about viewing past submissions within the form viewer app, you have to configure that in the form builder configuration. In Form Builder, click on the 3 dots next to your form and click Edit. Then select "Allow previous submissions to be viewed". You can also allow previous submissions to be edited or deleted. If you don't see these options, that means you are on an earlier version of Form Builder and you will need to install the new version. Unfortunately, this requires you to recreate your forms as I haven't found a way to migrate them over from the old version to the new version.

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  • @MarkSnodgrass I believe I am referring to this dataset

    It populates every time I submit a response on the form builder side but not when another user submits on the form viewer side.

  • I would check in your data center to see if there is another responses dataset with a very similar name. Depending on how your form viewer was created, you can have multiple response datasets. It's possible the other user's entries are going in that other dataset. You can merge them together using the Append tile in Magic ETL.

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  • I saw this as an option on the DOMO website but I believe that isn't the case either. It almost seems like the form does not fully submit after clicking the submit button.

  • I have not experienced that issue. If you can replicate the issue with the user, I would do a screen recording of them submitting the form and then show that the dataset still doesn't show the submission and then sending that recording to Domo support as a ticket.

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  • @MarkSnodgrass I was able to locate the dataset. It had something to do with permissions. One last question...Does Forms in DOMO have a barcode scanning capability or QR Code implementation similar to google forms? Thanks

  • @gbrown Form Builder is pretty basic and doesn't have any barcode scanning or QR code functionality, to my knowledge.

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  • @MarkSnodgrass

    I followed this procedure, and it works. However, some of the column values are not populated and are blank, even though they have values in the dataset. Additionally, multiple responses are not displayed; only one response value is shown.

    I have a question that includes a section(question to rate with few things) with multiple labels (which will be rated) and a dropdown bar option ( to rate) to select. I selected the labels as columns and values as values, but these labels do not populate values in the columns.

    How can I fix this?