Getting Adwords Data into Domo




I'm trying to get some data from Adwords into Domo and having some trouble.


I recall at one point their was an Adwords connector but this doesn't seem to be available anymore?

I've connected my Google Analytics and Google Adwords accounts and the Adwords information is displaying in my Analytics account, but when I pull it through into Domo through a custom Google Analytics connector, the columns appear correctly but the CPC/CTR/Impressions/etc information just returns values of 0


Has anyone had any experience getting this data into Domo? Or does anyone know why this is returning values of 0?


Any help would be appreciated

Best Answers

  • nnestel
    nnestel Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi After some trial and error, i came up with the following. You cannot pull in default channel grouping as a dimension when getting adwords data out of a GA account that is connected to an Adwords account - why, I don't know. But there it is, once I dropped that from the set dimensions I've got cpc, cpm, cpc, actual cost etc pulling into my domo reports via the google analytics connector. 




  • Togna_Bologna
    Togna_Bologna Domo Employee
    Answer ✓
    In the Knowledge Base you can now find the new and improved guide to getting AdWords data in Domo:


  • CantStopTheHopp

    What dimensions are you pulling? I would recommend Ad Group and Keyword Match Type from the AdWords section, and Campaign and Keyword from the Traffic Sources section, and whatever date grains you want.

  • Nick-Hede

    Hi @CantStopTheHopp,

    I've set up the custom report with those dimensions and then selected all the Adwords metrics to be pulled in.


    When the report runs it returned those columns but the values returned are all 0 (this isn't what shows in GA).


    Any advice?



  • CantStopTheHopp

    That is strange. I would send in a support ticket.

  • Bulloko
    Bulloko Domo Employee

    In general we've been taking Google Adwords, using a script to push the desired data into Google Sheets and then pulling it into Domo.


    I myself have not worked much with the linked Analytics / Adwords, but it sounds like it might be a feasible solution.


    If you are seeing discrepancies between Google Analytics and Domo I HIGHLY recommend using Google Analytics API Query Explorer -

    There you can select the metrics, dimensions, and segments just like in Domo.


    What we find many times is that Google Analytics will give you a nice dashboard, but does not tell you how that dashboard was created or what they are doing, so it makes it VERY hard to match.


    If you instead compare Domo to the Query Explorer (or you could make a customized flat report in Google Analytics) I have found it to always match. 

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @Nick-Hede, did Bulloko's reply help answer your question? 

  • nnestel

    I am having the same problem - we should be able to use the domo GA connector to pull in data however all columns are being returned as 0

  • Nick-Hede

    Hi @nnestel,

    As mentioned above, I ended up setting up a script to pull in the information to a Google Sheet daily and then automated the report into Domo from my Google Sheet. Not an ideal solution but an effective work around

    Hope this helps!

  • nnestel
    nnestel Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi After some trial and error, i came up with the following. You cannot pull in default channel grouping as a dimension when getting adwords data out of a GA account that is connected to an Adwords account - why, I don't know. But there it is, once I dropped that from the set dimensions I've got cpc, cpm, cpc, actual cost etc pulling into my domo reports via the google analytics connector. 




  • Nick-Hede

    Thanks nnestel,

    I took the default channel grouping off and managed to get my data through. Thanks again!

  • Togna_Bologna
    Togna_Bologna Domo Employee
    Answer ✓
    In the Knowledge Base you can now find the new and improved guide to getting AdWords data in Domo:
  • [Deleted User]

    Also see this thread on same topic.