Appstore Submission Enhancements


As someone who would like to create more submissions on the Appstore for other Domo users I would like to have any easy way to do and see the following.

  1. Understand how many times my submission has shown up in searches.
  2. Understand how many users have clicked and viewed my submission.
  3. Receive and answer questions about my submission.
  4. Track downloads of my submission.
  5. Track likes/favorites on a submission.
  6. Edit a submission without the need to post a new one.

2 votes

In Backlog · Last Updated

Already on initial roadmap concepts.


  • cadellfalconer
    cadellfalconer Domo Employee

    @jrudd thanks for the submission.

    You'll be pleased to know these items are things we are already actively considering and advocating for as we work through upcoming roadmap and plans for the future of the appstore.

    Please do feel free to submit additional ideas in the appstore experience section if you have any other feedback you'd like us to consider for the appstore.

    Appreciate you!

    Cadell Falconer
    Domo - Senior Technical Product Manager
    Ecosystem, Domo Free & Office Addins