Pivot - Not showing all the distinct values in the filter

Hello All,

I'm new to DOMO , I have a very simple pivot with 3 filters columns ..if I don't use any filter columns data looks good ..when I use any one of the column which are required in the filters data is not correct ..looks like DOMO is not selecting all the distinct values from the column which I use in the filter. 


Ex : Acc Number - We have around 10000 distinct values , we want to show all of these in the filter to verify data in the pivot ..it's not showing all bcuase of it we are missing data in pivot..


Any suggestion ..pls let me know 





  • This sounds more like a bug.  Have you contacted Domo support?




    In the meantime, would you mind sharing what your analyzer settings look like for the card?  Might help to identify what is going on.

    “There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” -Superman
  • Thanks.I sent email to support and waiting to hear from them.


    All the  analyzer settings are default , I didn't change any settings. It's related to more data in a given column. I think it might have experinced by many of the users of DOMO in pivot.




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