Organize Values on X-Axis

I'm trying to order data on the X-Axis; however, the "Sort" functions appear to be limited to ascending, descending, and alphabetical.  Case in point, if I have the days of the week on the X-Axis (Monday, Tuesday, etc.), I cannot get the data to go in chronological order.  Is there a way to force the X-Axis to sort in a particular way?  Thanks!  

Best Answer

  • carreyes
    carreyes Member
    Answer ✓

    I've created beast modes to use as the sort order.


    For your example, it would be something like:


    CASE 'day of week' WHEN 'Sunday' THEN 1 WHEN 'Monday' THEN 2 WHEN 'Tuesday' THEN 3 WHEN etc... END


    You should put this beast mode as the first field in the sort. 


  • carreyes
    carreyes Member
    Answer ✓

    I've created beast modes to use as the sort order.


    For your example, it would be something like:


    CASE 'day of week' WHEN 'Sunday' THEN 1 WHEN 'Monday' THEN 2 WHEN 'Tuesday' THEN 3 WHEN etc... END


    You should put this beast mode as the first field in the sort. 

  • You rock!  Thank you!

  • Canioagain
    Canioagain Contributor

    if you want to discard the weekends you can do this too:


    case when DAYOFWEEK(`Call Date and Time`) in (1,7) then 'Weekend' else 'Weekday' end



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