Getting Error after submit the custom app design

{"status":404,"statusReason":"Not Found","message":" The specified key does not exist. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: NoSuchKey; Request ID: 0A76812A3B90BC33), S3 Extended Request ID: pxs7Uv1SpNJ9SuhGS1BeZm581sq8PPE2gHpSf4DY6FvMx2cIYruT1Lc6r6gqApuYm+hR8DOLb9o=","toe":"CTLO49UNI5-02POV-LLDLF"}


  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    Hi all,

    Can anybody help @chintansoni with their error?


  • andrewnemrow

    The app may be using an old ID. This could have happened if you are duplicating an existing app and overwriting it with the new one. The ID and name of the app must be unique.


    On the command line you can change the name of the app (design name: [New App Name], but the name must also be changed in the manifest.json file. In the manifest.json file there is an ID field. This must be unique to each application. Provided the ID and name are unique, publishing the app will result in a successful duplication of the app.


    The unique ID must be generated by the system. To do this, create a new app from scratch and pull the ID out of the new app to put into your duplicate manifest.json file.

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @chintansoni, tagging you to check out andrewnemrow's reply.