

How to combine two salesforce datasets in domo


Hello, I need to combine two salesforce datasets in DOMO my question is, do I just need to find what is relational between the two sets (link colomns) i.e. Lead ID or do I need to bring in all of the columns/fields I want to see?






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    Windy, ultimately you needall the columns you want to report on but yes - knowing how the two datasets relate to each other - Lead ID# or whatever else it may be. When you say "bring in" are you linking to SFDC and creating a linked data set or are you downloading from salesforce and uploading two separate data sets into DOMO. I would recommend either through reports / views or whatever other method - lingin to SFDC so they auto refresh vs download and upload process. The reports or whatever you link to will both need to contain the relational key to combine them in DOMO (I would suggest Magic ETL is best way to do this). Shevy
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    @windy, did Shevy's reply help you out?

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    Yes. But I also replied and do not see my second response. I had a requestion about beast mode and magic ETL. I was able to create a beast mode formula but was curious now about more information on magic ETL. I am not sure we have this for our account.

  • Contributor
    Windy, What was your reply? I do not see one here? Under Datasets, you will see Dataflows and you should have a drop down box to choose MySQL or Magic ETL.
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    Hi Shevy. I must have accidentally hit cancel instead of post.

    I just wanted to give some background of what we need in order to report in DOMO. We tend to want to see data historically as well as ‘yt d’, ‘mtd’ etc. So initially I needed to bring in all of our Lead data from the Lead object as well as all the data from our consumer requests (enewsletter opt ins, vacation planning kit requests, ticket purchases) from a custom object ‘Consumer Request’.  In order to do this I needed to create a SOQL query for each because they contain millions of records and a SF report will only export a max of 2k rows. Once that was done then I created a data set to combine the two sets by the Lead ID. We also want to report on unique records so I used beast mode to create a filter on distinct Lead ID.

    This seemed to work well, but my curiosity now lies with this Magic ETL. After looking at you response, it does  not appear that we have this function. I do not see MySQL or Magic ETL. Is this supposed to be available for all DOMO customers?

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    Here is where it is in our instance



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    hmmm I will have to check with our admin. It appears we do not hav that. Here my view No maguic ETL.JPG

  • Contributor

    @windy, please keep us updated!


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