eBay Marketplace Connector

Just wondering if anyone has worked on a connector for this using developer.domo.com or if it is the pipeline coming up?  We do a lot of business on eBay and would like to pull data in directly from eBay.


  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    Hi all,


    Can anybody help @JGossling with their question?


  • MattE
    MattE Member

    We have interest in an ebay connector as well if anyone has any info.


  • kamuela
    kamuela Contributor

    We aren't currently working on an eBay Connector.  But would consider it.  Can either of you provide some input on what you would like to be able to pull out of eBay.



    I am no longer with Domo. Please @mention @Millhouse for connector specific questions.
  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @JGossling, did kamuela's reply help answer your question?

  • We use the Amazon Marketplace connector heavily which is basically an API where we are able to pull the normal reports that can be requested on Seller Central website.  I am imagining the same for eBay where reports can be scheduled such as active inventory, sales, etc.

  • ericpete
    ericpete Contributor

    Which use cases could you all see trying to track in Domo with access to this API?https://go.developer.ebay.com/api-features-comparison

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @JGossling, tagging you in case you haven't seen ericpete's reply.

  • It looks to me like the trading API would be the best fit for an eBay seller...  Specifically the following calls:









  • Did anyone ever get this figured out?