How can I format my data label numbers portrayed to have () for negative numbers instead of - subject...


Want my number labels in by card elements (bar, line, etc) to be able to represent a negative number as such (1,000) or ($1,000) or (10.5%) instead of -1,000    <> also works.




  • Depending on what chart type you're using. You can click on the Value Scale option and you shoud see a Negative Numbers section as shown below. This is where you can choose to have negatives displayed with () instead of -image.png


    Please let me know if you have any other questions.


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  • Hi,

    Thanks for the quick and great reply...

    This does take care of any x/y axis formatting or hover data rendered, but we are placing the "hover values" within the bar (of a bar chart), and cannot seem to format those numbers as requested.


  • RGranada
    RGranada Contributor



    I think that if you are referring to data labels in addition to what @Valiant indicated, you should set the Use Scale Format propertie on Data Label Settings to True.





    However, after some tests, I wasn't able either to achieve the correct results and from my point of view, it appears to be an ISSUE with Domo. Although hover values if appear to format correctly if their properties are set accordingly.Maybe support can give some information on this.





    Hope this helps.

    Ricardo Granada 


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  • Yes, @RGranada we are experiencing that same "bug" in our case.  Will definitely run this up with DOMO as it does create "sloppy" dashboard rendering imo.  Thanks @RGranada and @Valiant!

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