Excel Plugin not pulling data consistently

ST_Superman Domo Employee

I am running into an issue where identical data pulls are returning different results.  Please help!





  • jstan
    jstan Contributor

    Hi Scott, do you have the same number of rows/columns in your excel download?  Has the underlying dataset in Domo changed since you downloaded each dataset?  Is the pivot table picking up all the rows?


    I ran into some issues where my dataset in Domo shrunk, but the excel plugin does not delete the old rows (had 100 rows, now have 80, Domo leaves the extra 20 in excel when it refreshes the data).

  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee

    That's a good point.  The two query tables were pulled in within 5 minutes of each other, and are looking at sales data from last year, so the data did not change.  Each table has the same number of rows.  Both pivot tables are using the entire data set to summarize the sales data.

  • jstan
    jstan Contributor

    Hi Scott, can you use a sumif/sumifs or vlookup in excel to narrow down the variances to specific rows?  Are there any field values that contain what could be considered an operating character like a \ or " in the value (particularly at the end of a string).  I have run into issues with those as well with the excel plugin.

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