Has anyone had success pulling in useful BLS data from the BLS data connector?

The standard data that pulls through is mostly headlines and data that is not very useful. I am looking to pull in Regional Employment and Wages data. There is a way to put in a customized registration key to pull in other data but I haven't figure out how to utilize this correctly.


Anyone figured this out?


  • jstan
    jstan Contributor

    Hi MErrichetti, you can also pull a lot of the same data from the St. Louis Fed (which is what we did because there is a lot more data out there).  




    You can register for a free API key and we use the JSON connector to pull it.  It should have all the BLS data there as well as data from the Census Bureau and a multitude of other sources.  (85 sources: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/sources?pageID=1)


    You can search here for the dataset name: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/


    For example, the Civilian Unemployment Rate from the BLS is UNRATE.  You use this when setting up the JSON connector.  


    Let me know if you need additional info.