@Warangel - Has Appstudio addressed this requirement for you?
@DInwood - Can you tell me about your pub/sub setup? Are you using it in a "enterprise" situation where you are publishing between instances which all "belong" to the same company? Or are you publishing to 3rd parties? I ask, because publish has many ways it's used - for example, 2 distinct organizations could use publish…
To everyone in this thread as it seems related, but off on a tangent a little - how do you feel about using iframes to embed content in Domo Everywhere today? Have you used any other "embedded content" providers (be that analytics or otherwise) which used alternative methods than an iframe which you preferred?
@user088745 - You'll be glad to know we are planning to address this in 2025, the "multi-asset type" way specifically. However the point you make about multiple jobs recognizing that there is already the dataset in another job is also a good point - will likely look to pick that up as part of the effort too. Thanks!
@alexis_lundberg - @MichelleCCameronMYO - @brycec Apologies for what might seem like silly questions, but I'm trying to get a solid understanding of our customers and their usage of virtualized datasets, along with any gaps they might have: Do you use Governance Toolkit for your virtualized datasets? If not, what method do…
@Alka - taking a step back, if the dashboard is the same, but with different datasets, I assume that means the schema would also be the same? Could you stack the datasets and apply programmatic filtering? You'd need to use server side embed to ensure it's secure though.…
One follow up to this as I didn't mention it, to achieve the "Dataset switching" like behavior, my proposed above would require you to have multiple dashboards, each powered by the different dataset, and your effectively programmatically swapping the dashboard rather than the dataset.
@Alka While I don't believe it's formally documented, after looking at the network calls in developer tools in my web browser and setting a dashboard to embed, it looks like you can likely do what you're looking to do. For this, you'll need to create a developer token under "Admin" > "Authentication" > "Access tokens".…
Hi @bworek - Good news is this is nearly ready. We are hoping to make this feature available in this months release (towards the end of this month), if we miss that, it should be in next months release! 🙂 CC @Khushboo who is now owning Addins going forwards, for further updates.
@Nahanaeli - What specific card type are you using? Can you show me a screenshot of your analyzer configuration? (Feel free to blur the data in the table if need be)
@Khushboo FYI.
The excel Add-ins (as distinct from the older "plugins") should not unpivot your tables when used. This was a recent update we made a few months ago. I would try that again and let me know what the outcome is @Nahanaeli
@Craig_Lynch - can I clarify, are you talking about when you are on an dashboard, you hit the drop down menu and click "Export to" and make a selection? Or are you referring to using the office addins and then "adding" content to your existing office document? This will help me best direct your issue.
Hi @StevenJRowe - Thanks for the submission. Adding of variables to the addins is something we've been looking to undertake and do have a tentative plan for. I wanted to check that plan with you and see if it would meet your needs. I'm thinking of adding the following two ways to leverage variables with the addins: 1. When…
Release date has been pushed back a couple of days. Estimated 13th May now.
Updating here, I'm expecting to release this on this coming Friday. If not then - it should be only a couple days after. I will update should there be delays.
I've got this scheduled for the next month or two in our monthly release cadence for the addins. (Internal Tracking: ID-411004) I will report back once we roll this out. Thanks everyone for your feedback.
I'll get this scheduled and report back.
@alvarezsofia @dgalley - Just wanted to follow up on this, did you see my comment above? Is the only outstanding item here for us to add features as below: ======= For "date" or "timestamp" columns when added as "filters" (not the upper right box in the modal): Would adding the standard Domo date range/relative date…
Thank you for the feedback @dgalley and @alvarezsofia. I fear we might have gotten a bit mixed up here, so I'd like to clarify and check a few things with you both. CARDS: Cards already support the ability to set relative date filters today, during the import of cards, the date box in the top right hand side of the import…
In the addins, under the "Document" tab of the addins, you can apply filters that apply to all content in the document - I imagine you'd also want to do that for date filters, rather than only having the dates be configurable on each individual Domo object in the document. (Regardless of being Excel, PPT, Word)
I'm throwing my vote against this too. I will also monitor the votes for this and raise up with leadership once we have critical mass. 🫡
@Mikkonator @todd_glad - Just an update here, we held back out April release as we didn't get as far into it as I was looking to be (more than just the color options are coming). Expect this next month. Apologies.
Got it. Thanks @sn_dgalley. I imagine you'd want to be able to set this on each card in the deck, and/or at the whole document level?
Hi @sn_dgalley - thanks for the submission. Happy to look at including something like this, for sure. As there are many different ways in which you can use the old (and new) addins - Could you tell me a little bit about how you currently leverage those date filters in the old plugins today? Also, specifically are you…
@kierenp - Loving all your feedback and ideas on our community, please keep them coming! :-) This one is another good call out. I'm going to add this one into our backlog. Assuming there are not feasibility issues on this I'll try to get it scheduled for the mid-term. (The new addins use the new office APIs, while the old…
Hi @kierenp - We are able to import multiple cards at the same time, when importing from a dashboard. You have the ability to "Import All" cards that are on a dashboard. It will then give you a modal which you are able to configure the settings for the import, which will apply to ALL cards imported from that dashboard. For…
Good news @Mikkonator @todd_glad - This is actually in active dev currently! We're hoping to land it in our April release for the office addins should there not be any delays or unforeseen issues.
@kierenp - Good news, we can refresh individual cards, it's just a different method to the old right click. Under the "Document" pane in the new addins you can refresh one at a time. Here's a guide: I do like the right click refresh idea and I'll add that to our backlog for a future release. Thanks. On the sizing of text,…