Publishing app studio app and dashboard with same dataset creates duplicate datasets in subscriber

Since you can only choose either app studio app or a dashboard to be published they can't be in the same publish job. This means that even if there is only one dataset is powering both the app studio app and the dashboard, duplicate datasets are made in the subscriber after publishing. It gets even more complicated if you have more publish jobs being powered by the same dataset. Causing chaos and confusion for the end user (a little dramatic, but true).

It would be great if we could have both dashboards and app studio apps in one publish job.

Or even better… if multiple publish jobs could recognize the datasets being used in other jobs and you have the choice whether to link them in the subscriber (so they're the same ID) or create a new dataset.

1 votes

Scheduled on Roadmap · Last Updated

Jobs supporting multi asset type in a single job is scheduled on the roadmap for 2025.


  • cadellfalconer
    cadellfalconer Domo Product Manager

    @user088745 - You'll be glad to know we are planning to address this in 2025, the "multi-asset type" way specifically. However the point you make about multiple jobs recognizing that there is already the dataset in another job is also a good point - will likely look to pick that up as part of the effort too.

    Cadell Falconer
    Principal Product Manager