Using rank within a window function to filter results
I am trying to analyze the initial purchase behavior of 2 subsets of users, mobile app users and non mobile app users. I have client purchase history in a table where each row is a sale and contains whether the user is an app user or not and I've created a beast mode that uses variables "min sale date" and "max sale date"…
Number of business days in the month
I am trying to write a beast mode that given a date can tell me the number of business days there are in that month. My company's hours are a little different so I want it to count days according to these rules: Sun: 0, Mon: 0.5, Tues-Fri: 1, Sat: 0.5 I can't seem to figure out how to loop through to do this calculation so…
I want to understand average sales within 1 year of client sign up
I have a dataset where each row is an individual sale that contains the sale date, client start date, client ID, and sale total. I want to be able to chart the amount an average client spends within X time of their start date where X is a variable that I can alter from the card. Ideally, I'd be able to split the ouput by…
Year-Over-Year comparison by month
I have a dataset where each row contains a single office's monthly revenue and I want a table where each column is a different month where I can compare the year-over-year values as well as office by office. Here's the data: And I'd like to create a DOMO table that looks like this: It seems like it shouldn't be that…
Client Churn ETL
I am trying to generate a data set for client churn by month and I'm running into an issue. I need to be able to calculate total clients (running total) up to a specific month and total lost clients that month. The final data should look something like this. You can imagine there were 5 new clients in November, 10 new…
Percent of total line chart
Is there an easy way to graph percent of total on a line chart rather than the individual values? It seems like it shouldn't be too difficult but I don't see an option.
Grouping by client_id without losing row data
I have a table of client purchases with columns: sale date client ID sale total I'd like to group by client ID so that I end up with total sales for each client however when I do that in the data flow, I lose all date information for the sale. When I use a date formula to pull out sale year and include that in my grouping,…
Adding an average bar to chart
I have the following chart and I'd like to add a dynamic average bar that would change for each value on the x-axis. In other words, this "average" would be plotted for each month and should change with each month such that it represents the average of all values for that given month. The result should not be constant…
I'd like to graph the percent of whole using a beast mode
I am graphing Consultation data and one field I have access to is "excuse". I'd like to graph the percent of consultations where the excuse is "no show". I thought the following would work: count(`id`) / sum(case when excuse = "no show" then 1 else 0 end) But the results don't make sense. It's telling me that 35/443 =…
Calculate percent of whole
I have rows of client data with 2 fields `weeks` and `recommended_weeks`. I would simply like to know what percent of rows have `weeks` = `recommended_weeks`. For some reason I can't seem to make this work. I tried the following but it's showing me ALL rows, rather than an average. sum(case when `weeks` =…
Accessing regression line equation
I was able to add a regression line to my bar chart, however I cannot seem to access the equation for the line. It's a simple task in excel so I figured DOMO should be able to do this without a problem. What am I missing / How do I access it?
Combining data sets without duplication
I have 2 datasets: * Contains individual transactions with an employee's name Employee Name Sale PriceSale DateJohn Doe100 11/2/20John Doe250 11/6/20Jane Doe50011/8/20Jane Doe10011/12/20 * Contains each employee and their number of consultations and new clientsEmployee NameStart DateEnd DateConsultationsNew ClientsJohn…
Using aggregation in case statements
I have a data set of sales where a sale is either a "new sale" or an "add sale". This value is stored in `calcSaleType`. I would like to graph the ratio of new sales to add sales over time but keep turning up null values. The value of a sale is stored in `total_cost`. I've tried the following with no luck: (case when…
Percentage Summary Number using Beast Mode
I have a graph that displays my company's net income vs. our budget. In order to calculate the net income, I use the following beast mode: sum(case when `Group 2 Name` = 'Sales' or `Group 2 Name` = 'Sales Returns' then `Amount` when `Group 2 Name` = 'Direct Costs' or `Group 2 Name` = 'Protein Powder' then -1 *…
Using case statement to create measure net income
I have the following case statement to categorize my quickbooks transactions into their correct categories: case when `Group 2 Name` = 'Sales' or `Group 2 Name` = 'Sales Returns' then 'Sales' when `Group 2 Name` = 'Direct Costs' or `Group 2 Name` = 'Protein Powder' then 'Costs of Goods Sold' when `Group 0 Name` = 'Other…