Domo Community Slack
Just in-case anyone wants to join the unofficial Domo community slack, URL is here! https://domousergroup.carrd.co/
DomoStats - Workbench Jobs
It would be extremely useful if the Domo Stats workbench jobs could surface the query within the job, sometimes actually accessing Workbench can be a process and it would be great to quickly know what the query is without having to remote desktop to some obscure server.
Append Rows Should Default to "Include all Columns"
Can we have the Appends Rows tile default to "Include all Columns" instead of just selecting the columns from the first input?
Appends Should Default to Include All Rows
Appends should default to "Include All Rows" and not change every time inputs are added/removed. Huge quality of life upgrade!
Exclude Filters in the Activity Log
Yes I know I can do it in the Activity log dataset, but it be great if you could filter OUT actions/users, etc. while viewing the activity log in the admin panel. Often there's users/content types that are filling up the activity log when I'm trying to look for something else.
Auto-Collapse all Subtotal Rows
It would be great if there was an option to auto-collapse all subtotal rows. Sometimes there's so many of them where doing it manually isn't really an option, plus any new rows would appear without being collapsed.
MySQL Rank over Partition/Window Functions
Hello! I know there was a post in September 2018 talking about how Domo's MySQL version doesn't support Window functions thus you can't do Rank over partitions in MySQL dataflows - anyone if this is planning to change? It's cumbersome to have to kick out datasets to Magic just so I can rank them using partitions. Thanks!
Smart Text - Add "Limit Rows"
It'd be cool if the "Limit Rows" value was available as a smart text - so you could have a card that's "Top 10 Customers" but if someone changes the "Limit Rows" it could update the title or description of the card.
Dataflow Search Screen - Show # of Tiles
It would be cool if when searching for dataflows that screen could show # of tiles in the dataflow.
Magic ETL History Error Log Visual Representation
It would be great if in the history of the dataflow it gave some sort of visual representation on which FAILED had an actual error message I normally have to look at each one to find the one with the actual error
Bryan Van Kampen (Analytics Consulting Manager at BT Partners)
Hey everyone! I'm Bryan Van Kampen and I'm a Domo consultant out of the Chicago area. I've been a Domo consultant since 2018, working for BT Partners who has been a Domo partner since 2016. I also help run the (unofficial) Domo slack, help manage the community Domo instance and try to pop over here to the forums to try and…
Dashboard "Save-As" Dataset Change Option
When you click “Save-As” on a dashboard, it should give you the option to change the dataset(s)! This would extremely useful for creating new versions of dashboard if the underlying dataset(s) are changing.
Public Datasets
It would be cool if Domo allowed "public datasets" where organizations could surface data to the community at large for either free or a for a price. Could be especially useful if software systems were users of Domo but also had clients on Domo, they could just drop the client's data from their software into their Domo…
ServiceTitan Domo Connector
Are you a ServiceTitan user? Do you know there's now a Domo connector for it? https://www.btpartners.com/technology-blogs/domo-servicetitan-connector-blog
Workbench Restarts when "Source File Doesn't Exist"
Hello! I'm running into an issue where I have workbench on a server with ... "issues." Sometimes I get "Source file does not exist" (the file absolutely exists) and then that workbench job doesn't run again until the job is manually ran. Any way to get this job to restart even if it thinks the source file doesn't exist? Am…
Filter Cards "AND" Behavior
The filter cards default to being an "OR" behavior, i.e. selecting Product A and Product B will result in the page showing all rows of Product A or all rows of Product B. It would be great if you could change that to be an "AND" operation.
Prevent building cards on Non-Certified Datasets
It'd be cool if you could disallow building cards on non-certified datasets unless you were an admin (or a had a custom role that supported it).
SQL Environment Monitoring Dashboard
Made this SQL Monitoring Dashboard with a couple SQL scripts/logging tools. Shows at a quick glance how your SQL environment is doing!
Transform task renaming Table + Adding "Create table"
Whenever I try to run own of my data flows automatically it bombs. When I check the dataflow transform task it always changes from "SELECT COLUMNNAME" to "CREATE TABLE" and renames the output tablename to something generic. Anyone seen this before?
Why does the iOS domo show up on the "Call blocking and identification" section on settings?
Got a new phone and was setting up "Truecaller" which is great for identifying spam calls. While doing this I realized that Domo was listed in there as well - what's the reasoning for this?
Duplicate Beast Mode Warning
It'd be cool if when making a beast mode Domo could warn you that a similar/exact beast mode already exists. If I'm doing a new one that's Count(Distinct SalesOrders) it could suggest that a duplicate beast mode already exists. Or possibly a Beast Mode manager feature.
Primary Key/Index Magic 2.0 Tile Failures
Hello! It would be great if there was some sort of notification/error on Primary Key/Primary Indexes in Magic 2.0, it's a great unintentional feature on MySQL dataflows and helps greatly with data integrity.
Changing Interactions on Card Drill Paths
It would be great if you could set the interactions on a drill path separate from the main card, so you could have a card drill in place and then have the drill card set interaction filters.
Change Card Background based on the Data
It would be great if we could have some dynamic rules around the card backgrounds, i.e. like change the background of a card if the number is below a certain threshold or change them based on page filters. TL;DR - Apply Color Rules to Card Backgrounds