Appends Should Default to Include All Rows

Appends should default to "Include All Rows" and not change every time inputs are added/removed. Huge quality of life upgrade!

11 votes

Implemented · Last Updated

This has now been implemented, you can see it live in your instance. :)


  • Completely agree! There have been multiple times I've had to add a tile to an input before appending and not notice that the Append Rows tile setting changed until after it ran.

  • AndreaHenderson
    AndreaHenderson Domo Product Manager

    @trafalger Can you give me a little more detail or an example? I've definitely run into the issue with it not including all columns by default, but I'm a little unsure of the "include all rows" case. I'd like to take it to the team to review but could use a bit more detail first. Thanks!

    Domo Product Manager for Data Transformation (MagicETL)

  • Whoops, sorry @AndreaLovesData I have my terminology incorrect, I mean "include all columns." Often changing one of the inputs for an append will switch it back to "only include columns from Dataset 1."

    Or I'll append a couple things together, run it, only to find it included some of the columns.

  • AndreaHenderson
    AndreaHenderson Domo Product Manager

    @trafalger Got it! This is definitely on my radar and something I'm exploring with the team. :)

    Domo Product Manager for Data Transformation (MagicETL)

  • AndreaHenderson
    AndreaHenderson Domo Product Manager

    Good news - this has been implemented with the last code release. It should be live in your instance now.

    Domo Product Manager for Data Transformation (MagicETL)