Wonderful! Thank you @AndreaHenderson!
You also could have a "history" dataset and a "real-time" dataset and append them in an ETL.
Agreed, the filter is the way to go! Also sometimes adding an aggregate will remove "duplicates!"
Just like the error says - in the Integrated Applications you need to make sure Domo has the ability for automatic login, and if you do, revoke it, save it, re-add it back in. Quickbooks desktop gets real weird with authentication, best practices is have an account just for the Domo integration, but it needs to login to…
There might be a shopify quickstart that does that but you'd have to look. Might be a good jumping off point at least.
Have you played around with the governance toolkits? I think the dataset one can tag it.
Whoa, I didn't know there was a Date output format there!
If you're going to go this route, use the Domo Date Dimension so you don't have to keep updating the spreadsheet and calculate the groupings dynamically.
I don't believe bricks have alerts but I could be mistaken. Whats the advantage of using a brick vs. a card here? Couldn't you just filter a card to the last 14 days?
you could do like a CONCAT(MIN(YourDate), '-', MAX(YourDate)).
You could make multiple rolling averages in a dataflow and use a variable to switch between them
You'll need an ETL, since you need to generate additional rows.
Are you using an account with 2FA? Or the admin role? Netsuite won't allow admin access for integrations and 2FA won't work.
@ArborRose is correct! You can also create a beastmode (and save it to the dataset) and that will filter as well.
Whoops, sorry @AndreaLovesData I have my terminology incorrect, I mean "include all columns." Often changing one of the inputs for an append will switch it back to "only include columns from Dataset 1." Or I'll append a couple things together, run it, only to find it included some of the columns.
CONGRATS @MarkSnodgrass !!!
Holy snap this is amazing @AndreaLovesData!!
100% agree with @marcel_luthi, this would be a great thing to add to a dataflow. Do a group by by Job, add it back to the job as a "Job Total" hours and then you could even add in the classification to the job level as well. Well worth it to spend 30 seconds in a dataflow vs. trying to create a crazy beast mode.
Hmm, I feel like that's an oversight and should be on there. Maybe ask Domo support? I don't think there's a way to change that setting.
Yup, @GrantSmith is correct. The bundle is used with the TBA connector to pull saved searches. If you have SuiteAnalytics Connect, you can use that and just write queries in the connector - that's my preferred methodology from both a performance and usability viewpoint. I've connected Netsuite to Domo about 30 times for…
It was me speculating - but usually systems that require MFA have an "app password" you generate. Is there another way to authenticate to TradeDesk?
I don't have experience with Trade desk specifically, but most connectors don't support MFA and you have to create an app password or use an account that doesn't have MFA.
This is extremely cool, great work @Jonathan53891!
You might be able to use the API or use an alert to hit team's JSON, but definitely not a simple task. Could you use PDP and email the report?
Ah good callout, I would use DISTINCT there.
I know when doing it on a card you need to the ` to the fields like pfilters[{%22column%22:%22JobNum%22,%22dataType%22:%22STRING%22,%22operand%22:%22IN%22,%22values%22: [%22',`JobNum`,'%22]}]">',JobNum,'</a>') but not 100% certain if you have to do it in embed.
In the dataflow you can convert it to a decimal, or in an beast mode on the card you can do "column * 1" that will convert it. Does it have dollar signs or commas in? You might need to remove those first.
My go-to troubleshooting method for this is to put a static value in for your field, to determine where it's erroring out. Can you rename the column (or try another column) temporarily and see if that helps? I could see the period causing issues
Depending on your data, you could a beast mode that's like case when count(product) = 1 then 'Show' else 'Hide' end and then filter the card to "show" and it should only show data when 1 product is selected.
Without more detail, our standard practice is in the dataflow to copy the rows of data, roll them forward a year and mark them "Prior year" and the original "Current year." This way on the card you can set it to "Current Month" and then use the "prior year" vs. "current year" flags to determine the difference but the card…