"Unique" metrics have to be pulled in the date grain you want, since if you have 3 unique users each week of the month, when you try to SUM the month it will give you 12. However if you pull that report for the month, it might only return 3.
Are your date dimensions the same? The GA4 connector aggregates it based on the date grain you select, so if in the connector you're pulling daily and trying to aggregate it in Domo, it might not match. Trying pulling at the same grain as the GA4 report and see if it matches.
On standard dashboards, no. But App Studio has some theming/branding options that can accomplish that once that drops.
If you turn off segments on the dashboard does that remove it?
Do you mean like the link to the Domo everywhere page? I believe it stays consistent unless you publish/unpublish it. Even then it might persist.
I believe it does, or will eventually mentions OpenAI, HuggingFace, Bard, SageMaker, AutoML and Jupyter.
What happens if you try a different browser?
If you switch it to a table card, do you see employees? Otherwise the issue might be with your aggregations, I don't think you need them if each employee has those columns on them.
Natively, no. But you can build a dataflow using the Domostats/Domo governance datasets that links the page to the card and then the card to the dataset.
Based on the error, it looks like "set_manual_login" isn't a valid object in DomoDeveloperAuth. Have you tried the "url_manual_login" like it suggests?
I think you could do that in the metadata, if writeback connectors appear in the dataflow tables.
Have you tried sharing the dashboard as a slideshow? I have clients using that on TVs. The "Publish as a Slideshow" option
The other thing I've done is in a dataflow just appended a date dimension so there's a "row" for each date, even if there's no "actual" data. Only caveat is you need to make sure your blank date rows match your card filters otherwise they won't help.
DDX Brick is the way!
ETL is 100% the way to go, and you can use the Domo Date Dimension if you don't have a custom calendar.
Window functions in a beast mode are a good way to make this dynamic!
I agree with Michelle and Grant - blanking it out with a case statement is absolutely the move here!
@Rafi1470 you could expand the beast mode a bit like this: SUM(case when Particulars = 'Sales' then Amt else 0 end) - SUM(case when Particulars = 'Cost' then Amt else 0 end) And then group it by order or invoice or whatever and it should give you profit!
That sorta sounds like it's a Domo to Reddit API issue. I'd start with Domo support and get it escalated.
When I had clients change email addresses, it did make them new users. From the SSO attribute section under email it says this: "The user's email address. Domo uses this value as the unique identifier for the person's account, so any value included for Email will overwrite the SAML Subject value in the SAML assertion. Domo…
Another great option is the dataset copy - you can create a copy with whatever interval you want and have it append.
If you only want to apply it to the after the @, you could split it at the @, lower the company and keep the part before it uppercase
I'd try just 1 row and see if it times out, but it should have been able to use 7k rows. I'd double check your connections and your permissions.
I don't believe that's possible - but you might be able to pull in notebook cards that would have dynamic text.
You could use campaigns!
I agree with @ArborRose, using tags and standardizing your dataset names can help with this.
Ya I think just append them and then use either a filter or a variable. @vibhusharma2210 @tracy_gamlin
Could you just copy the card and then switch the dataset? What's the dynamic need?
Sometimes figuring out the date syntax can be annoying - I usually ask chatGPT like "I have text like "12/31/23" how do I make it a date in MySQL" and it will spit out the proper syntax… most of the time.
You could append two datasets together and switch back and forth with a filter or a variable - but I agree with @MichelleH, more information is needed.