Help connecting to Google Ad Manager CreativeService needed
Hi community! We need to capture the banner preview URL from Google Ad Manager. The field we need assetURL is not available in Google Ad Manager's report builder (so I can't use the Domo connector to pull it in as a GAM report), but based on the developer's documentation (https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/api/start)…
Beast mode to only show matching creative types in grouped bar chart?
We are using a grouped bar chart to compare client and typical engagement rates by creative type (see 1st screen grab). The report is filtered by a SalesQuote field where client results have one value and typical results='Banner Average'. These are unique rows in the data set (see 2nd screen grab). There are six 'Banner…
how to define full quarters
I'm using this formula to calculate the average quarterly engagements SUM(Total Engagements) / COUNT(DISTINCT QUARTER(Date) ) When a marketing campaign data falls under full and partial quarters, however, this approach generates a skewed number. I need a way to test for and countthe number of full quarters that a campaign…
Best approach to map day of date in bulk
We need to map the Date field so that every date value is the first of the month. The value mapper tile can do this one at a time, but we need to do this in bulk. Can anyone recommend the best approach using a function?
Visualization options for minutes:seconds format
I'm working with the Average Time on Site (seconds) field from Adobe Analytics. It comes through our connector as a fixed decimal and I'm using SEC_TO_TIME(`Average Time Spent on Site (seconds)`) to format the data in minutes and seconds. This works fine in a table report, but I can't find any other chart type that would…
Identifying "Last Week' when current week is 0 or 1
I'm using the case statement below to identify dates from "Last Week". It works fine but I will run into a problem in January as we move to week 0 or 1 for current week, and last week could be 52 or 53 (see screen grab). Any suggestions for approaching this? CASE WHEN WEEK(`Date`) = (WEEK(CURRENT_DATE())-1) THEN 'Last…
Looking for Portal platform recommendations
We've recently started using Domo Everywhere and are using a basic Drupal-based instance to host the dashboards. The long term goal is to move to a more robust, client experience-centered portal and have begun vetting possible options. Looking for recommendations/suggestions. Are you using a proprietary option to embed…
Date for Adobe Analytics v2 JWT Partition Connector to come out of Beta?
With Adobe Analytics API v1.4 EOL scheduled for August 18, does anyone know when the Adobe Analytics v2 JWT Partition Connector connector is scheduled to come out of Beta?
Is it possible to abbreviate currency field values in a table?
I've been asked to adjust the formatting of two currency fields in a table card to show by thousands, for example $17.2M rather than $17,200,000. Is this possible?
Duplicate rows on Workfront Advanced Project report set for Replace updates
Any ideas why a Workfront Advanced connector-based data set pulling a Project report and configured for Replace updates contain duplicate rows?
Anyone using Google Ad Manager Connector?
I'm able to pull data using the All Networks report but am getting 0 rows of data for anything else. I've tried specifying an order name/number and left this info blank in hopes of pulling a larger sample. Neither yielded an error or any data. Any tips for working with this connector?
Brightcove Server Error Unauthorized Request
We use the Brightcove connector to pull Analytics reporting. When I try to pull a Video by Player report using the same account ID, a Server Error, Unauthorized Request (see screenshot) is generated during the run. The list of video players in our account displays fully in Setup, but we just can run the connector without…
Case statement when two different fields are null
I need to filter a data set down to results where both the SQ and SQ_1 fields are null. How would I do this with a CASE statement would another approach work better?
'OR' condition possible with ETL Join function?
To report on video engagement by project, I need to join Workfront project field data set with a Brightcove data set. There are 15 video ID fields in the Workfront data set and one video ID field in the Brightcove data set. If the Brightcove video ID field value matches one of the fifteen video ID field values from…
Date Wildcards in ETL?
I need to create a data flow where results are limited to the current month. Right now I'm using >= Sept 1, 2019 and <= Sept 30,2019 for the results I need, but if a wildcard for current month is possible, I can avoid having to update the ETL each month. Any suggestions?
Progress on Training Apps lost
We are in the middle of training and setting up our Domo instance. I had completed a little over half the training path last month and just returned to finish it up two weeks later. When I opened the training apps in our instance today, though, all of the the modules I've completed show anywhere from 0-10% progress…