Date Key in Datasets
It would be great if dataset developers had the ability to tag a column in the dataset as a "date key". In theory downstream when building cards, anytime a user creates a new card, Domo would default to adding this tagged column as the date field. I feel this would save card builders an infinite amount of time not having…
Time Intelligence Calculations
I am struggling to figure out time intelligence calculations in Domo. I feel what I am trying to do is fairly simple which is calculate the YoY change and graph by a categorical field. For example, the chart below is an example of what I want my finished end product to look like. I know Domo has period over period cards…
Year over Year Cards
Question regarding year over year cards. Currently I have a card that shows YTD vs Prior year and its working as expected however if I change the dashboard filter to be last 12 months, the card seems to stop working Since my "compare to" field in the card is set to "1 year ago" I was expecting that this card would be…
Column Order of Dataset
I am currently trying to re-order the columns in my dataset however in the final product, it appears to be maintaining the previous order. ETL attachment shows order via the preview section of magic ETL output attachment shows order of columns in the dataset.
Default Date column
Is there a way in Domo to tag a column as the date key so that anytime you add a card it defaults to that column being the date field ? Currently it looks like the cards just default to the first date column in the table.
Netsuite Analytics Connect
Looking for guidance on what other users are doing with Netsuite Analytics Connect. For example, I have a table of transactionline and transactionaccountingline. Each of these tables is 9mm rows and I need to join them together to get a master transaction table. I was hoping to do this in the native connector but it looks…
Card Sharing
I am having an issue with a card on a dashboard not being visible to select users. I created the dashboard then subsequent cards and shared users to the dashboard Share Permissions Then after initial launch I added a card. I am getting users reporting that the card I added after the initial launch is not visible When I go…
Bar Graph Sorting
I am trying to create a stacked bar chart and sort by total sales. I have a field in the legend so I can see the composition of total sales. For some reason it is not sorting the chart descending by total sales like expected. What am i missing here ? setup: as you can see I have sales dollars descending in the sorting yet…
Is there a way to switch the values of a pivot table to show on the row instead of the column? Here is an example from PowerBI of what I am looking to do. column headers would = month calc 1-3 would be beast mode calcs
I have a variance % measure in beast mode. I am trying to filter the chart to show me anything >= 15% OR < = -15% however when I try to apply filters to the chart in edit analyzer, I do not see a way to add in an or statement based on my measure. Is there a way to do this in Domo ? I'm really hoping to avoid having to do…
Bullet Chart Data Labels
Struggling to figure out how to format the bullet chart in Domo. My Actual values is total sales and my target value is forecast. Yet when I go to Data Label Settings > Text then add %_VALUE it shows the Actual Value field on both elements of the chart. How do I configure this to show the Total Sales $ on the Bar and the…
How to Handle Ending Balances
Looking for help understanding how to handle ending balances in Domo. I have a customer metric called Doors that records how many retail centers are carrying the product. I mocked up a dataset which is attached but there are two main columns of interest, the date column and the Door Count. Doors is a running total so the…
Cumulative Total Measures
I am looking for help understanding how to do cumulative time intelligence calculations ( MTD, QTD, YTD ) in Domo. I have a dataset with customer reviews (review ID, date, source, Stars, comment ) and am trying to achieve a cumulative running total of the average star rating. I'm used to PowerBI where time intelligence…