OneDrive Writeback Connector
Is anyone using the onedrive writeback connector, and if so, are you able to write to excel tables? Same question for SharePoint excel files.
Tried ETL Rank & Window and MySQL, but just can't crack this. If my field is null, then give me the previous value. AccountDate Cost 120594815-Aug-2019 $ 42,246.48120594816-Aug-2019 120594817-Aug-2019 120594818-Aug-2019 120594819-Aug-2019 $ 42,246.48120594820-Aug-2019 $…
Graph with tags on dates
Have a simple line graph but I want to call out specific dates, that remain static, and what those dates meant. See example.
Need to add a date axis to a flex table
How can I visually add the dates to the X axis on this flex table?
Keep Line+Bar format even when Null or Zero
I have a line+Bar chart, line is a target and the bars are each department (3 segments in each bar). problem occurs when I filter for any specific department, the bars collapse because there's no data for that specific department within that month. How do I keep the integrity of 6 segment and 2 bars even when there's no…
Cards on main dataset are very slow when editing
Cards that are built on our main dataset are painfully slow to respond when editing. Even the simplest cards like guages, bar charts, etc. are extremely slow to respond. Any suggestions as to what may cause this?
lost all beastmodes
Changed the owner on a card and right after that, evey beastmode disappeared. Anyone ever experienced this? Logs do not show anyone else was editing the card, underlying datasets and flows also intact and updating on their normal schedules.
Combine multiple results into one row/cell
How to take multiple results and combine them into one row, see attached.
Mr. Roboto Insights keeps opening
Sometime this week, the Insights tab keeps opening every time I open a card. I don't see any option to disable this. Any hlep?
Date Field Added 1 Day To Itself.
I have a date field that includes the time stamp. I used the CAST to simplify the date and rmeove the time stamp. When I do that, the date increases by 1 day. Any help? See attached
list all beastmodes
is there any quick way to get a list of all beastmodes that have been shared on a dataset?
Unable to connect to SharePoint online
No matter what i try, I cannot establish a connection to my version of SP using any of the SP connectors. Over and over the error says my credentials are incorrect. My SP admin also tried inputting his credentials, but the error remained the same. Any suggestions?
Report Scheduler - Select Which Cards
Say I have a page with 10 cards, but I only want to schedule 4 of them to go to one user. Any way to schedule just those 4 without creating a sub-page and copies of those same cards?
Trying to calculate Quartiles. We found the attached, but can't get the values to display. any suggestions?
data sets owned by My DOMO Admin
Greetings, My instance has a number of datasets created by MyDOMO Admin and they haven't been run for some time now. I tried running them myself, but it does not give me the option. Any information on how to resolve this?
list of countries - Map Cards
Can DOMO provide a list of all countries that are part of the Map Cards? Reason is making sure DOMO's naming conventions match the incoming data. Example is NetSuite will represent Russia as "Russia" but the Map Card says "Russian Federation". Another Example is Laos. In DOMO it's "Lao PDR". I'm assuming any country fields…
ETL filter with two criteria on same field - fail
I have a dataset that i'm trying to filter on a text field in magic ETL. I set the filter for Contains, Specific Vaule, ABC. It runs just fine. But then I add a second filter rule on the same column for DEF, expecting a result of all rows with ABC or DEF. as soon as I add any second rule on the same column, the result is…
Color Rule on Grouped Bar
Say you have a grouped bar X = Date/Month Y = Amount Bar 1 = Target Amount Bar 2 = Current Amount Each month has a different Target Amount. What I want it when Current Amount >= Target Amount then Color 1 else Color 2. Thoughts?
why am i copied on scheduled reports i created
My users have requested various scheduled reports. Every one of these reports copies me even though I intentionally left myself off the distribution list. Is there anyway to prevent this?
NetSuite Open Air
Has anyone utilized the NetSuite Open Air connector? My credentials work in a norlam instance of OA, but trying to connect via DOMO results in the following: Failed to authenticate. Verify the credentials and try again. Domo is ready, but the credentials you entered are invalid. Verify your account credentials and try…
Why did all my scheduled reports fail?
Starting January 10th 2018, all my scheduled reports failed to send. All have different times, cards, pages, and recipients. I deleted them and re-created the schedule but that didn't work. Any suggestions?
SQL NetSuite Connector DATEADD Function
Trying to do a simple DATEADD to offset the UTC time change on our date fields. I've tried every which way to format this formula, but nothing works. Just keep getting the below error. Any ideas? SELECT TRANDATE, DATEADD(day,1,TRANDATE) as 'date adj', TRANID FROM TRANSACTIONS NetSuite][SuiteAnalytics Connect JDBC…
Drill Down fails after adding filter to main card
I have a simple table table card, source is an ETL, summarized by Customer. The drill down is a different data source, customer daily sales activity which I turn into a line chart: X = Date, Y = amount. In this scenario, the drill down works fine. The problem starts when I add a filter to the main card, specifically…
highlight largest value
I have a simple table card: Employees in column A and counts of various system entries in B, C, D, etc. Since their numbers will vary as time goes on, I would like to highlight the largest value/count as of that moment in each count column. Since it's not a static number and there's no goal to judge against, i can't do 'if…
Run dataset once a week
I have a dataset that I need to run once a week and only once, i.e. Run once on tuesdays at 6:00AM local. Any suggestions?
Sum a case statement in SQL data source
trying to group and sum up a case statement, but keeps erroring out (Failed to retrieve data. Error ticket#.....). tried moving the parentheses around, but nothing's working. below is my query, any ideas? SELECT A. TRANDATE, A. TRANID, A. TRANSACTION_TYPE, SUM (CASE WHEN A. TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'Sales Order' AND B.…
Show Only # Rows is Dropping Series
I have a stacked horizontal bar chart. Y = Sales Rep X = Total Sales 2017 Series = Approved or Rejected. (The series is based on a beastmode) Sorting = Sum of Amount - Decending. The data runs just fine, but when I try to use the Show Only # Rows function, It'll drop the second value created by the series and just give me…
Dataset stuck on Import
I have a dataset connected to NetSuite. I'm importing 5 columns, 2 left joins, and 2 WHERE condition. no formulas, no grouping and the total records that should be returned would only be about 115 rows. It's been importing for almost 12 hours now. I've stoped the import and changed some of the criteria just to get to…
Counts as Data Labels
I have a simple single bar graph X = department Y = Average age of open transactions What I would like to do is have the total count of transactions as the data label in each bar.