Pivot Table Date Range
Here's my pivot table setup: Rows= Project Name, Financial Category Name Columns = Financial Month Values = Actual Cost Works well so far, but what I'm now looking for is to only show the date range of the projects included in the pivot, so Financial Month would be the way to go. However, in the Date Range Selector, the…
Is it possible to only show a dashboard or cards once a selection has been made on a filter card?
I have various use cases where I'd want to do this. Couple of examples: We have a Program > Project structure. I'd like the user to be presented with only a single filter card for choosing the Program they are interested in it. Once a selection is made, the dashboard then shows Projects for only that Program. Similarly, I…
How to Count the same record again with Multi-Selection Attributes
I have a multi-selection attribute with 19 selection options within it. I am trying to group these 19 selection options into 5 slices on a pie chart with this code: case when Impacted Business Division_p LIKE '%Biologics%' then 'Biologics' when Impacted Business Division_p LIKE '%CGT%' then 'CGT' when Impacted Business…
Is it possible to duplicate an entire dashboard and all cards on it?
Hoping there's an easy way to do this with just a few clicks, rather than doing a Save As on each individual card, then rebuilding the dashboard layout. Thanks!
How to SUM only one instance of duplicate rows?
I have a dataset with financial data, and it has one row per month per project. However, it also pulls a Run Cost from an attribute, and this attribute is displayed with the exact same value on every row, because it's not captured as a monthly figure; it's just a total. I need to SUM the Run Cost for matching criteria, but…
How to make a Positive value a Negative value
Sounds like ABS can make a Negative value a Positive value, but how can I do the opposite? Need the result from this Beast Mode to be converted to a negative value: SUM (CASE WHEN DATE(`BatchTimestamp`) = DATE('2023-11-22') AND YEAR(`Month`)=2024 AND `FinancialCategoryName` LIKE '%CAPEX%' AND `Portfolio 2024_p`='Rejected'…
Help with which Action Tiles To Use
Hi all! I'm back with more beginner level questions probably :) I feel like I've done the complex piece for this which is writing 24 different Beast Modes. I'm just struggling with which Actions to use in the ETL to bring all these Beast Modes together at once. This looks like a fairly useless mockup because there's no…
Stacked Bar from this dataset config?
Not sure if this is possible directly, with Beast Mode, or if I have to change how the dataset is configured with ETL…. The dataset is currently setup like this simplified mockup: Ignoring the fact that the numbers in my mockup, don't match my card mockup, I want to present them like this: Is there an out of the box way to…
Two Group By with SUM totals
As always, terrible title by me I'm sure :) This is quite similar to a question I had last week that @rco helped me with, and I'm using his answer as the basis for what I'm working on, but am stuck on getting it to work. Last week I was doing counts of projects, but this week, I need to SUM the project cost. Simplified…
Count that accomodates NULL
On some charts, for my summary value I need to add a custom Project Count Beast Mode, which is just this: Value1+Value2+Value3 etc… However, if any of the values are null, the count no longer works. Is there a workaround without having to exclude it from the Beast Mode? Thanks!
How to Join two Group By without matching pair column
I think the answer to the title is you can't, but to get to the point, I'm trying to go from this input to this output: A Group by on Requestor Organization, and another on Phase works as intended on the Preview, and I am then doing a Pivot on the Requestor Organization to turn it into columns, but I'm still not sure how…
Can't get Group & Join to Work
I have a singular dataset that includes Live dynamic data, and historical fixed data. For each ProjectId, I need to SUM the PlannedCost of the historical data with a specific timestamp, and SUM the PlannedCost of Live data, so that I can compare the two in Analyzer. Below is an example of the Input dataset for a single…
Joining two Group actions
Reposted here: Can't get Group & Join to Work — Domo Community Forum
Why is the same record appearing multiple times with the wrong value
Hi gang! Happy Friday! I have two attributes with values from 1 to 9, then the SUM of the PlannedCost for each record determines a third value from 1 to 4. I then SUM these three numbers to get a "Project Score" Do you see anything wrong with this code to accomplish what I described above? ROUND(IFNULL(`Business Value…
Links - tables only, or any other Card Types
I've started adding a hyperlink back to the records in my source system in table Cards with this: concat('<a href="https://abcdefghijklm.com/project/', `ProjectID`,'/Overview " target="_blank">',ProjectName,'</a>') Are there any other card types that it works in, and if so, is there a list somewhere of which? Thanks!
Can my output include projects that don't have a column value for a Split / Group
Hi all, I have this ETL which takes a multi selection attribute (Div) with 19 values and does the following: Splits each selection option into its own column Converts the columns to rows Filters to remove instances where there was no delimiter, because if only 1 of the 19 values was selected - these showed up as "Not…
Help with Gantt Chart timeline displayed
I'd like this Gantt chart to show the full range of dates of projects that I feel like I've already defined via the Start date and End date. I don't seem to understand the options in Date range, nor why I even need them. If my earliest Project Start Date is Jan 1st 2021 and my latest Project End Date is Dec 31st 2027, can…
SUM(DISTINCT) or other function?
Hi gang! I've done a mockup here to try and explain what's going on with my dataset and what I want to achieve. The first table below shows my dataset. We don't need the month column for this, but I wanted to include it to explain why each project has multiple rows in the dataset. Essentially, I want to SUM the PlannedCost…
How to display bar totals correctly
Sorry for the ambiguous title, but I'm not sure what words to use to explain this in a summarized way. I have a dataset that captures financials for projects. Each project can have up to 9 financial categories, and financials are captured per month. Therefore, the dataset includes a row for every single category/month…
Why are my Bar labels not appearing unless full screen?
I've gone through each property setting so many times, and can't seem to find the setting to make these appear. Thanks!
Quarterly Snapshots of Data
Hi gang! A two part question where answers that a newbie like me can understand are very much appreciated please :) I need to build some cards consisting of quarterly snapshots of a dataset. The dates aren't fixed, and I would like to have control over when the snapshots are taken. What's the best way to go about this? In…
Is there a setting to stop Legend partially hiding?
You can see in area of the card below that I've highlighted, that the top value of this Legend vanishes when I interact with the card. Can I stop this behavior? Thanks
Show only 2024 costs
My usual disclaimer: I am not a programmer, and usually need an ELI5 for this :) I have a version of this code working that is intended to show the total PlannedCosts when summing the 5 FinancialCategoryName types I have listed. Basically the same thing without the YEAR(Month,2024) AND piece. That works. Now I'm trying to…
3 Key Features Missing in Gantt Charts
Vertical Scroll Bar. Currently, when we have a lot of data to display, we are forced to have huge Gantt Charts so that the text is readable, or we are forced to keep the Gantt Charts smaller, but accept that text will not be readable. The ability to add additional columns to the left of the Gantt Bars. It should be…
Chart Showing only Projects with Cost; how to show all projects?
Hi all, I have a simple Table Card with only two filters, one for project number, and one for project phase. 97 projects meet this criteria. One piece of information I'm displaying in the Table Card is the planned project cost. At the moment, only 50 projects have a planned project cost. The chart is only showing these 50…
Start Date End Date Filter? Date Selector or something else?
Is it possible to have a card that's a simple two box date range filter? Click Start Date, calendar popup appears, pick the date. Click End Date, calendar popup appears, pick the date. The Range Selector is too cumbersome when there's a lot of dates over many years, which is why I prefer not to use it in this case, and I…
Dashboard Order
Within Manage Dashboards, I've ordered my dashboards in the order I want them to appear for all users. I just had a user log in, screen share, and they're in a seemingly random order. Any ideas why? Their permission level is Participant.
Custom / Manual Sort Order
Is it possible to have a custom sort order on a chart when none of my attributes provides the sort order I want? Or alternatively, I know I could force the custom sort order I want with an alias in a beast mode, but then could I change the bar labels to what they were originally?
How to wrap a DATEDIFF around this?
As always, I probably shouldn't be allowed near Beast Mode :) Can someone explain how to fix my code? I assume I'm not adding DATEDIFF in the right place, as I'm always breaking it. BatchTimestamp is the date the Phase was set to the respective value. I just need the number of days between the two. CASE WHEN `Phase` =…
Date Slicer - Years Only
I'm looking to add a Date Filter Chart to my dashboard. I want to use the Slicer, and have one button per year, 2022, 2023, etc. I'm basing this on my record CreatedOn date, but in doing this, it shows me every date that a record was ever created. I've seen the Date Selector Chart Type, but this seems to be a full calendar…