I think it is because you have both Incident Date and Year-Month in your ORDER BY. Also, do the fields in the beast mode match fields in your data? SSI Monthly, Incident Date, and Year-Month?
There is a an idea for this in the ideas exchange that you could upvote: People have some ideas in the thread on workarounds for now. Also I see this 3rd party Slideform that can integrate the two:
You can order it using filter cards on a dashboard but not in the quick filter on a card.
Agreed. I have cliked the "x" a dozen times and it just keeps coming back. It's time for it to be dismissed permanently. I'm tired of seeing this stock model, and now I am seeing her outside of Domo as well. I can't escape. She is everywhere.
It will still work, it just doesn't show up in the functions list - along with many other mysql functions.
This is using a beastmode. I built it assuming month level granularity.
Gotcha! If you'd like, you could submit this as an idea in the
In your table it shows "Evaluation". Aren't you looking to see who did the evaluation prior to the upgraded procedure? If so just filter out anything that isn't "Evaluation" or "Upgraded Procedure" then do the lag function and you'll get who did the evaluation prior to each upgraded procedure. Be sure to partition on…
Yeah but then it will become a string instead of a number. Any reason you would want to do this? CONCAT('$',`YourValue`)
CONCAT(UPPER(LEFT(`YourField`,1)), SUBSTRING(`YourField`, 2))
@user04612 Your Account Executive would know who your CSM is and/or could help as well. If you are on User License model then you could purchase Integration Studio which gives you all writebacks. If you just need one writeback I believe that is an option as well. If you are on consumption you will still need to request it…
You can use the following for SSI Rolling: ( SUM(SSI Monthly) + LAG(SUM(SSI Monthly), 11) OVER (ORDER BY Year-Month) + LAG(SUM(SSI Monthly), 10) OVER (ORDER BY Year-Month) + LAG(SUM(SSI Monthly), 9) OVER (ORDER BY Year-Month) + LAG(SUM(SSI Monthly), 8) OVER (ORDER BY Year-Month) + LAG(SUM(SSI Monthly), 7) OVER (ORDER BY…
@Data_Devon I'm here to chime in! Hide grid lines and then add quadrant lines = 0
Fixed functions only work in beast modes. To do this in ETL you will need to add a constant if one doesn't already exist, this will be needed for a Group By to sum up Amount. This step replicates the first part of the fixed function by getting you a total amount for sales for your grouping. The next step is to join the…
I am assuming you also have dates? Do you have a date time? Some way to order the events taking place? If so you could use a lag function and look for the procedure that occurred prior to the Upgraded Procedure.
I've set something like this up. I append the data everytime it updates instead of replacing it. I then do a lag function to see what the previous value was and compare the two. If they don't match it triggers an alert.
Congratulations @Data_Devon! @everyone please upvote The Text Card idea!
We were able to meet a few weeks ago and get this figured out!
There is a Domo Dimensions Connector dataset called countries_latitude_longitude.csv but I'm not sure the best way to accurately join this data. You'd need to maybe round the data so it would join cleaner (maybe to the tenth?) but I worry about errors. The better option would be to use DomoGPT in a Jupyter Workspace model…
Take a look at your grant settings for forms. Ensure that Manage Forms and Create Forms are enabled for non-admin users. Hmm, I tested it and you actually don't need either of those grants to use forms in App Studio Apps. I would submit a support case to Domo and let us know what they come back with.
Dynamic ranking is possible, but like you said would show a rank of 1 when PDP is applied. You could use Column Level PDP to hide sensitive data about other vendors. I think Column Level PDP is still in Beta but you could reach out to your CSM to see if you could try it out. I like doing ranks in an ETL. Is there a way you…
There isn't, but you could reduce the available data on the pivot table card using filters or pre-aggregate the data in an ETL.
No. If you want to do it on the card level you need to use the CONCAT() method in a beast mode.
You'll want to keep those checked. The other thing to check is to: 1. Edit the dashboard 2. Hover over the first filter card and click Edit Content 3. Click "Change Interaction" 4. Ensure that Enable interaction filters is checked and that apply to all cards is selected
Navigate to the dataset > Click "HISTORY" > Scroll to the update you want to revert to > Hover or the right side of that row > Click the wrench icon > Click "Revert to this point"
You said you had a field with tags. Add that as a filter in the "Filters" section of card analyzer view (the view where you are editing the card). Then filter by Selection on the Tag field and choose the tag that is current.
Agreed with @Data_Devon ! Period over period chart types are the way to go
There is no one-click way to duplicate a dataset. You'll have to just create a new dataset that is a duplicate of the original.
It shouldn't but to be safe you could create a duplicate dataset first
You could append your data in an ETL so it is formatted like this: Then use Value as a filter. Another option, use CONCAT() to bring the values of all 3 columns into a single column and then use the "Match Values" filter. The CONCAT() beast mode would be: CONCAT(`Buyer`,', ',`Seller`,', ',`Lender`) So you'd have a column…