RobSomers Coach


  • @NFerna For the beast mode part of your question, it would be something like this: CASE WHEN 'Achieved Value' >= 'Benchmark Value' THEN 'PASS' ELSE 'FAIL' END Assuming your data is set up so that it's Fruit, Achieved Value, Benchmark Value, this will go through and for each fruit/row and compare Achieved Value and…
  • @Victoria_G1 Use a formula tile and the DATE_FORMAT() function to change it. Here's a link on how to use it (%c will give you the month number without a leading 0):
  • @AO3 Is the grain of your data week start date? Ex: Your data is simply Week Start Date and Net Cost, and there aren't any repeats of dates in Week Start Date?
  • @KristiKovacs try removing 'day' from your DATEDIFF's. In Domo, DATEDIFF just does days by default. I tested it out using DATEDIFF with day and nothing popped up and then removed it and the number of days populated correctly.
  • @Matt_DAlto It works in your table because there you are grouping by company. In your gauge card, you're not grouping by anything, so you've only got one number or "row", which is 0.14. It's just the overall percentage. So if you filter to >= 0.15 then nothing will pop up. I think you would need to create an ETL and do…
  • @damen It looks like you are sorting on something other than your 'Pricing Buckets' which is causing the problem. You will need to sort on your pricing buckets for it to work. You will probably need to create another beast mode called something like 'Pricing Buckets Sort' which would be exactly like your 'Pricing Buckets'…
  • @afieweger Yes, you will use LIKE and wildcard characters in your case when statement: SUM(case when PresentationName LIKE '%self-service%' then 1 else 0 end) The % symbol will just say there can be any number of characters before or after 'self-service'. I like doing counts with an equivalent sum expression.
  • @user084060 You could use hover text. I think by default the hover text would by default say which series it is, but if not, you can modify it using the Hover Text option in the Chart Properties.
  • @renee12345 It looks like you're just trying to find the first exclusion reason that isn't null. You'll want use the COALESCE() function: COALESCE('exclusion reason 1','exclusion reason 2',…) COALESCE looks through the first field listed and if it's null, moves on to the next field, and repeats the process until it finds a…
  • It would be nice to have these disabled by default.
  • @Newbie23 Sine you're just joining on month it will cause duplication. For each line in your Test QTY Rejected dataset, it will take the month and look for that month in Test Received QTY. Since that one has multiples of the same month, it will add a row for each time that month appears. You would need to add supplier code…
  • @b_walsh Go into 'Edit Dashboard', then for each card you want to remove the timeframe from, you'll hover over it and click 'Edit Content'. Then go to 'Display Settings' and you can deselect Timeframe to remove By Month from the card.
  • @ArborRose It would be under another person's post. You should see this under other people's posts: The person who originally posted the question would then click 'Yes' for the answer that gave them the solution and then the post would get a check on the board.
  • @ArborRose It's because a post isn't considered answered unless there's a response that the poster accepts as an answer so that it has the check next to answered. So a post may have answers but not an accepted answer. Does cause problems with posters who don't mark a solution as accepted.
  • @Zel Is your date column just dates or is it datetime? If it's datetime it could look like the same date but they're actually unique because they have different times in the background. If it is a datetime column, try using a DATE() function on it and see if that works.
  • @chrissy Your hour beastmode column is in text so it is sorting it in aplphabetical order, so 1 pm comes right after 1 am alphabetically speaking. Try creating another beastmode that gives hours 1-11 a value of 1 and hours 12-23 a value of 2. Then add this beastmode as a sort before your hour sort. Alternatively, you could…
  • @ggountanis You'll need to use a FIXED() function to get the total of all the categories combined: SUM(1)/SUM(SUM(1)FIXED()) -This assumes that your data is at the employee level
  • @JenHarrison It looks like your missing a ) after CURRENT_DATE which is resulting in the syntax error. Though you will probably want to use the DATEDIFF() function instead as in your current beastmode it's just subtracting the day of the month so you might run into situations where it results in a number greater than 6 but…
  • @zuchu You would use RANK() or DENSE_RANK() in a beastmode on your card. It would be something like this: RANK()OVER(ORDER BY SUM('Sales') DESC) Then put your companies as a column and your beast mode as a column. Here's and article about the difference between RANK() and DENSE_RANK(): If you end up with ties and you don't…
  • @gbrown I would suggest doing this by splitting your dataset once you have the Pass/Fail beastmode created as written. Have a branch that filters to just the fail rows and then you can select just the Submission ID and Pass/Fail columns and then use the Remove Duplicates tile. Then just join it back to the “original”…
  • @nshively When you you join your Groups to your original dataset, if an Employee from your original dataset is not in your Groups dataset, then Domo (SQL) will make it a NULL. So your values are actually NULL not blank, and filtering with NULLS doesn't really work unless you specifially filter on IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.…
  • @gump Try a COUNT(DISTINCT 'Blog Post') beast mode for your Y-axis. This will count each unique blog post only once for each month.
  • @Domomon DISTINCT doesn't work with window functions, and I believe that's no exclusive to Domo, as I think that goes for MySQL and SQL Server as well. I've seen that one solution is to use DENSE_RANK() instead of COUNT(DISTINCT ), but that does take nulls into account, so just keep that in mind. If that doesn't work,…
  • @NathanDorsch Could you post the configuration for one of your variables and your beast mode? It looks like there's something going on with one of those things.
  • @NathanDorsch Next step is to click on 'Create Control' and define what values the variable can have. You've only set up what the default value will be, but you need to set up the actual values. Here's Domo's knowledge base article about variables:
  • @NathanDorsch So you would create a number of variables equal to the maximum number of lines you would want displayed (we'll use 3 for the examples you gave). You could name them Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3. Each one would have CPC, ROAS, and CTR as values. Then you would create 3 beast modes like the following: case when…
  • @NathanDorsch Try going to Value Scale under Chart Properties and changing Decimal Places to none.
  • @NathanDorsch A couple of ways you could do this. You can either start off the chart with all the lines and then the user can deselect what they don't want to see by clicking on the metric in the legend. A second option would be to use variables. You could create x number of variables for the number of lines you would want…
  • @ggountanis You're getting zeroes because you're dividing the actual word by count. Also, how you're intending your code to work would just give you 1's because, for White, you would be dividing the number of white by the count of items in white. Another item, you don't need to do separate case when's for each ethnicity…
  • @kodonnellLT What field is supposed to be greater than 111? You are missing that field, so it should be: case when `Status_c` = 'Booked' and `Field` > 111 then 'Tier 4' else 'Tier 1' end Your last example won't work because you're doing an aggregation without any grouping.