Display Row count at every step in Magic ETL
Currently if you want to know your row count in Magic ETL at any stage other than the out put, you have to place a few temporary tiles to get there. I.E. add a rank and window tile to establish a Row Number column then aggregate with a group by to get the max row. Would really love if each tile could show the rows…
Display Record Count in Magic ETL on each step
Tl;dr - display the record count in MagicETL on each step of the last successful run of the ETL. Detail: I often spend quite some time diagnosing and fixing ETLs. In larger ETLs, it can be very onerous to determine whether a record with an expected behaviour makes it through the entire flow to the end to validate the ETL.…
Join in ETL
Question: I have two separate databases where there is only one common column, which is the "salesperson." The first database contains sales values for each salesperson. The second database contains the area of operation and products associated with each salesperson. I plan to create a new column to calculate the…
How do I add the current date to new rows that get appended by a recursive dataflow?
Hello, currently I have the standard recursive flow set up in the magic ETL, which tile and where in the recursive dataflow should I add to get the current date of when a new row gets added to the dataset?
Database Management View Instead of Datasets/ETLs view
Currently users view their assets in a list in the Data tab. They have to use naming conventions, or tags to group these assets and the same goes for ETLs. The list can be filtered and includes shared assets by default but regardless it quickly becomes a mess that only encourages redundant asset creation due to low…
Notes Tile in ETL
I know that we can make notes on every tile, but what I would love to see is a note tile where all it is, is a note. Sometimes I want to make generic notes in the ETL that relate to a few steps, or an overall process, or something relating to the business question not the tile specifically. So a notes tile would be great.…
Need help with specific code that is not working in either beast mode or magic etl formula tile
Hi the following code I am using as a filter on my card and have it set to "on list" its called skus to be purged "CASE WHEN On Order = 0 AND (Future Demand = '' OR Future Demand IS NULL) AND (Future Books = '' OR Future Books IS NULL) AND (Reserved + WMAVAIL <= 10 AND WMAVAIL > 0) AND WAREHOUSE_CODE = 11 THEN 'On List'…
How do I add a timestamp to the new rows that are coming in through my recursive magic etl?
I currently have a recursive magic etl set up to 'screenshot' data that is different from the source data. This information has been helpful because we can see the historical data any time a row in a column is changed. Like keeping a data log of all changes. However, I need to add a timestamp each time the recursive magic…
Join Data in ETL
I have two datasets: one for home country and another for citizenship. Both datasets share two common columns: country and student_id. In the home country dataset, the country column is 70% populated, leaving 30% of the rows as null. I want to fill these null values in the home country dataset using the corresponding…
When a value in column B appears multiple times against a value in Column A concatenate those values
Hi I'm really struggling with my dataset as I have a many to one relationship between the DIVISION and CUSTOMER columns which causes issue with grouping later in the ETL How do I write a formula which will affix the Customer name with the Division name if the customer appears against 2 or more Divisions else if the…
A Way to Group ETL Tiles Together and Collapse Them Similar to Subtotal Rows in Table Cards
Something I could see being beneficial, at least from a quality-of-life standpoint, would be a way to group individual tiles together in ETL that are related to a specific action/process that could then be collapsed into one larger "process" (or whatever it would be called) tile. This process tile could then be named based…
Appends Should Default to Include All Rows
Appends should default to "Include All Rows" and not change every time inputs are added/removed. Huge quality of life upgrade!
Magic ETL - Allow group by without a grouping column
There are times when I want to calculate aggregated metrics across the entire dataset. Currently this isn't possible without adding a constant value column to group on which I then have to remove later in my pipeline. It'd be much smoother if the Group By tile allowed us to group across the entire dataset without having to…
Pass Logged In User to Beast Mode?
Hi all, I am looking for a way to show total sales performance for various items relative to individual users performance for their own sales performance. Please see attached image for a better illustration of what I am trying to accomplish. In this example, I want to pass the logged in user name into a case statement.…
ETL Process to Analyze Google Reviews and Generate Automated Replies
Hi everyone, I’m exploring adding a step to an ETL process to analyze Google review data and generate recommended responses using ChatGPT or a similar tool. Currently, I have a Zapier connection set up, but it’s unreliable and inconsistent. Here’s what I’m looking to achieve: Dataset Input: I have a dataset of Google…
Is there any way to bring/read PDF files in their original format to domo from SharePoint folder?
I have a use case where I have to bring folder access from sharepoint to domo. When I access them they get converted to other file types. However I want the access to be in PDF format only and later would like to run a python script in Magic ETL to extract specific data from pdfs to update rows in Microsoft excel. Is there…
How can I set up a graph to show period over period data in a dynamic way?
I am looking for a way to show a bar graph with sales data by period and a growth rate line with period over period percent change. I have a detailed dataset with a large amount of sales data spanning over multiple years. I am having trouble with how to get the prior period data to be on the same line and to be dynamic so…
Multiple results encountered for the same location in Pivot Table indicated by ****
Attached is a sample of my data. I am trying to create a pivot table with the following: Rows: location, week, date, shift Columns: count(unique identifier), count(unique identifier) * shift length In my ETL, I created a formula to handle empty values. It determines whether a shift was 8 hours or 10 hours, based on a…
How to shift first week of year from December to January?
The card pictured below is filtered to 2025 - however, Domo's default week starts the prior Sunday which still lands in the month of December. I would like it to show a January date instead for the first week of 2025. I would ideally not like to use week numbers over actual dates on the x-axis. Has anyone else experienced…
How to create WoW, MoM, QoQ, YoY dimensions to put into variable?
I want to create a dimensional variable that allows users to choose between WoW, MoM, QoQ, and YoY using the chart types below. What is the best way to go about this? Any tips on creating the ETL to create the components above?
Magic ETL Possibility?
Hi, I'm having an issue. I want to split the fruit column by comma then alphabetize, then bring them back together on their respective account ID. How would I do that in magicETL?
Best Practice - Columns to Rows?
Community, My data is formatted per my example screenshot below. Is it best to pivot each location into rows, or is there a benefit to maintaining columns for rows? I will need a total number, and then drill down numbers (I.e. Total Net Profit = 30 > Drill Down > Omaha Net Profit = 10)
How to show events that happened after a selected one?
Hello, How can I show all events individuals have attended after they attended a specific one selected by the dashboard user? Ex. Out of the 200 who attended Conference A in January '24, 100 people attended Conference B in February, 80 Conference C in March, and 110 Conference D in April. I want to show the B, C, D…
Any way to filter a column by data type?
I am working with a data set that has multiple contributors. Unfortunately many of them enter data their own way. Specifically, I am looking at Diabetic A1C data. One person might enter it is as 5.765, another 5.76%, yet another 5.764444E3, and then another would enter something as 93 MG/L. Is there any formula or DOMO…
Solution Share: Using Python to Bulk Rename Columns and Convert Timestamps
Hey Domo Fam! Wanted to share a success story using Magic ETL + Python scripting to solve a problem. My first use of a python tile! Challenge I'm building a Company Dimension table using Hubspot company data...all connector reports have technical column names (over 450 columns) and all date fields (50+ columns) are a mix…
Re-"Start"-ing inactive datasets in bulk from the Datacenter Dataset View
When datasets haven't been actively queried in a while, they get auto-disabled, and need to be manually "re-started". When datasets like that are inputs to dataflows, they disable the associated dataflows. But, from the Datasets view of the Datacenter, we have no way of seeing that a dataset needs to be "restarted". It…
Transforming an ETL
Hello! I am trying to edit an ETL with three input datasets.. My goal is to get the 'GLAcct' row of data from the "GLAC PARTS (EZ TEST)' input dataset into the GLBD_V2 datset. Currently, the join is taking the 'GLAcct' under the input dataset 'GLBD_v2'. The request I received was to add a column onto one of our cards…
How can I remove these multiples?
Hello, I have a Magic ETL that provides open order data based on an item number. One issue I am facing is if I have two or more types of open orders for an item, then they will cross multiply. For reference, I have 3 open internal requisitions and 3 open sales orders for 1 item. Instead of displaying 6 rows (3 IR and 3…
Export Magic ETL Code for External Version Control
In our current environment, we use an external repository (Bitbucket) to maintain version control and the ability to run detailed diffs before making changes to our SQL dataflows. It would be helpful to have a way to export either the code or some representation of the current state of a Magic ETL dataflow to be used in…
error while converting text to integer/float
I have a column that is a text column has values in %, $ and -ve values as well. I tried replacing the % ,',' and '$' to have only numeric values to convert it into a float or integer column. However I am getting the below error. What can I do to convert the numbers into numeric column so that I can apply calculations to…