Options for Preview Run Limits in Magic ETL

The Magic ETL currently only max out at 400k row for the preview run from your input datasets. This is limiting the test preview in your flow as it only picks (from my understanding) the first 400k row of your dataset. So if you're trying to preview your actions (such as filtering) you may not get anything showing in the preview if the value which you are filtering only exists from row 400,001 onwards.

Suggestions for Domo team could be:

  1. Remove limit
  2. Allow user to select row limits by datasets
  3. Allow users to select dataset row ranges if the limit has to remain, for example, if Domo needs to stay with the 400k limit, then allow users to select which rows range for the limit to be applied, i.e. row 200,000 to 600,000
  4. Keep existing limit but allowing additional limit parameters such as date range, i.e. set 400k limit for MMM to MMM of YYYY
7 votes


  • This suggestion would be invaluable for us as well. In particular, #4 would be fantastic, especially if we could functionally apply a simple WHERE clause to the input (i.e. SELECT * FROM [DATASET] WHERE [CONDITION] LIMIT 10000).

  • I wish I can also filter the columns in the preview mode.