Ability to Search ETLs
It would be great if we could search key phrases in ETLs. I have a field called "Item" and I want to see every tool in which the column "Item" is impacted. For example, if I search "Item" and it's included in a select columns tool or an add formula tools, those tools should be highlighted when I search the key word/phrase.…
Change Data Capture (CDC) on Domo Datasets
It would be useful to have CDC capability on Domo datasets, creating a journal file of all changes to a dataset such as deletions, insertions, updates so that they can be tracks and potentially acted upon.
indexing on domo
Is there a way if i have a dataset to simply create a unique id? For example, if I have a dataset of 10 rows and I want to label the row ID, and start at 1, then 2, etc.
Magic ETL - how to structure Multiple fields that represent monlthy budget amounts
Hi i have a question concerning structuring variable fields using group by. So currently I have 12 variable fields, where a user can input a budget amount in each field, for a total of 12 months. the budgeting can start during any given month, so i have a starting month field, that the user must use to enter the budget for…
multiple Groups shown in just one column
Hello DOMO - Good Day! I am using the Data governance dataset that has the users and groups. what we wanted to show is the pages/dashboard and then all the groups that can view it. currently, I can show the different pages and the different groups in different columns. just wanted to know if we can show all the different…
Identifying what data came from which connector on a card.
Hello all, and thank you for any help. I have my magic ETL flow built out so a report is pulling information from two different connectors. There does not seem to be a batch ID or file path as options for me to select, which I thought would be the method to identify which system they pull from. Does anyone know how to…
Beastmode Timediff Errors
Hi all, using the following to calculate time differences between requested and actual drop off times: TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(Actual Drop-off Time,Requested Drop-off Time)) / 60 Seems like the math isn't panning out (first column should be ~25 in the time difference column but instead is showing 1415.80). Haven't used the…
SUBDate As Filter?
Hi, Can I use SubDate to filter a dataset within Magic ETL? We import our leadership team monthly. However, there are certain reports where I need the end of quarter leadership team instead of the most recent leadership team. Right now, I have the quarter end date hardcoded, but I would like to have a dynamic function.…
Python NLTK Vader Lexicon not available
Hello, when attempting to import and use the vader module, I'm getting an error from nltk package saying I need to download 'vader_lexicon' This feels super basic so I'm sure I'm just doing something wrong. Any thoughts on what else to try?
How do I find the value?
Hi all, I have a 1.5 million row table that has been used many times over. For some reason, when I went to use it this morning, it was not wanting to work. I have a 'Bankruptcy Date' column that I feel pretty confident only has dates in it. I get this error code when I try to run this dataset through a dataflow. I cannot…
Magic ETL - Ignoring multiple Daily average amounts that display on the same dates
Hi, I have a question concerning how to fix an issue I am having when attempting to sum daily averages. Here is the issue that I have. As you can see in the image below. I have dates, IDs, and a daily average amount, set up in a dataset in my etl. In this sample, there are a total of 2 distinct IDs, the way I would like…
ETL - How to spread a Budget over two dates within a variable date range.
I have various start and end dates for campaigns. I know how to calculate the # of days between any get set of dates. But, what I am trying to set up in the etl is this - if I have a budget amount, start date and end date, what is the easiest way for me to have the etl calculate the division of the budget over the given…
"Documentation Mode" in Magic ETL/SQL
A toggle next to "Try the new Magic ETL" would read "Documentation Mode" and would: Put an opaque film over the whole Magic ETL map Disallow changes to the tiles Enable the ability to draw and color-code sections of the ETL Be able to notate what each section is doing An additional item in the Save menu would be "Save and…
String Operations
Hi all, I have a column that either has 7 or 8 digits in it. I need it to have exactly 10 everytime I am working in magic ETL and am wondering how I can create logic to see if the column has 7 or 8 then add 2 or 3 leading 0s to the column depending on which case is true. Any suggestions?
Division By Zero - Be Aware - Failed IFERROR, IFNULL, and GROUPBY
When you're performing calculations over 100s of millions or records sometimes you come across division by zeros in which you're hoping the software you're using would manage accordingly, I ran into a scenario in an ETL scenario where it lead to having more than a 10% revenue shortfall in my numbers. Generally in Domo if…
Flexible SUM Aggregates With Duplicate Values in Dataset
Hello everyone. I have a data set that looks like this: This data set shows product purchases at the customer level. Thus, product IDs are duplicated in the data set. Here's the challenge. I want to show the total value of products, counting each product value only once in a SUM. I've added a Product Rank column as a…
Dashboard Table using previous day values in calculation
Hi, I need to create a Dashboard that calculates oil usage for Engines. Below is the excel table with calculation I need to recreate in Domo. Basically need to take the tank level and oil added to day tank and engine from day before and subtract today's tank level to get daily usage. Also sometimes there wont always be a…
Compare MAX date with YOY: Month-to-Date (MTD) Comparison
Data Structure Issue
Short version: how do I check if a field is a valid date? Long version: Using the NetSuite connector, our data has a field called Period. The connector does not allow me to define the data structure. I tried admin » toolkit » schema management. It doesn't hold. If I force the dataset field to a string, the next run it puts…
Break out rows depending on columns having a value
Hi, I have a dataset that looks like this: Name ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 A 1 2 3 4 B 5 6 7 C 8 9 D 10 I want to break out these Names by the different IDs, like so: Name ID A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 D 10 How would I approach this in Magic ETL? Thank you.
Handling "Replace vs. Append" Logic with Email Connector
Hello everyone, I'm seeking advice on configuring the Domo Email Connector for importing reports in a "month-to-date" format via email attachments. I want to a) retain the reports for previous months, but also b) replace the latest "month-to-date" report. Our goal is to achieve a combination of "Replace" and "Append" logic…
Failed to Convert Value from String Type to Boolean
Hi! I'm trying to setup a formula in my ETL where when the Registration Date is greater than 06/22/2021 we get the Order Item including the nulls. Before that date, I need the formula to include all order items but instead of nulls, I need it to say 'No Order Item'. So it would look like this originally. Registration Date…
Issue with MagicETl Filter Tile
Hello there, I am trying to filter a dataset in MagicETL using the Filter Tile, and have confirmed that the data I wish to filter by exists in the dataset 'Cadence name' by 'Outbound - Short'. Yet everytime I try this by running a preview, I get the response "No rows matched your criteria".
Pivoting Data for Financial Statements
Hey everyone! First post here, I'm looking to understand the best method of pivoting data for my Profit & Loss & Balance Sheet, so that I can build key metrics & ratios. Currently data is presented as attached, and ideally I would like the years as row's. Can anyone provide any advice here, I imagine utilising MagicETL and…
CSV separator but not
Ok so I have a string of data that has approximately 60 digits in it. There is no obvious delimiter - we just have to know the spot where to seperate. I am working in ETL and am essentially trying to do the SQL function where I start at a certain digit and end at another. I need to do this 7 times over so just using the…
Datediff in Redshift vs Magic ETL
Hi there! Im trying to recreate a calculation from Redshift to Magic ETL. Im running into some trouble with a specific formula. In Redshift: DATEDIFF('week',"start_date__c","end_date__c") In Magic: v1 - DATEDIFF(`end_date__c`,`start_date__c`)/7 In Magic: v2 - WEEKOFYEAR(`end_date__c`) - WEEKOFYEAR(`start_date__c`) Showing…
Data Science - Outliers
Hi, New to using the data science tiles in ETL. I have a dataset with sales by category by day. I can run this through the outliers tile for one category and it will correctly mark the outliers. What is the best way to do this per category? Thanks
Rolling 12 Month Average in Magic ETL
Hi there! Was hoping someone would have a solution for what I am trying to do. I want a 12 month historical average in line with the current month in my dataset. (Sample datasets will only show 3 month) This is a sample dataset of what I am working with: *"Desired Column" would be the field that holds the historical…
Magic ETL Tiles groups for clearer organization and visibility/observability :D :D :D
Although similar to the "Allow users to specify the color of Magic ETL tiles", we sometimes (okay, often) have extremely long and complex Magic ETL's that are difficult to comprehend, especially if you're inheriting them or exploring for replication or use. Being able to "group" your tiles in some fashion would greatly…
Tool to convert MySQL data flows to Magic ETL
In order to take full use of the power Magic ETL v2, it would be great if a tool could be developed to take a MySQL data flow and convert it to Magic ETL