Magic ETL Join Tile

ArborRose Coach
edited June 26 in Magic ETL Ideas

Apologies if this has been requested in the past. I would like a case insensitivity checkbox on the join tile. In the example below, I have created two datasets. In dataset2, I have a list of words in varying cases: lower, upper, and proper.

If I join the datasets, I get different results based whether the words in dataset1 match the case in dataset2. We only get a match if the joined fields have the exact same case. I know I can use a tile to lower or upper both sides before matching, but that creates extra tiles on an already large ETL. I would like a setting that indicates - join on these fields regardless of the case. So that "Apple" and "apple" match. Or "APPLE" and "apple" match.

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  • This would be so very helpful. Thank you for posting this @ArborRose !

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  • zcameron
    zcameron Domo Employee

    @ArborRose Something super cool coming to beta that will help with this! Our MagicETL product team has been working on an update to the join tile that will allow for custom expressions as the join condition (think formula-based filter). It's undergoing a small UI update but will be re-entering beta next week.

  • @zcameron - that is great news. I am not normally one to champion beta features before release, but a few of these things can't come early enough for me as I stave off the angry villagers at the castle walls wanting to upper case our data.

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  • DomoDork
    DomoDork Contributor

    Join expressions are fantastic! However, I still agree with @ArborRose. A simple checkbox for case insensitive joins would be very useful even with the new expression features.