Reset Running Total In Beast Mode
Hi, I am trying to reset the running count every time the week ending date changes. Any idea on how to do that in a beast mode as the basic setting just continues to accumulate.
Calculating percentage in beast mode based on count
Hi, I have a dataset that looks like this: Network Hour Date Avails A 1 1/1 2 A 2 1/2 4 B 1 1/1 6 B 2 1/2 8 C 1 1/1 10 C 2 1/2 12 C 2 1/2 12 The number of avails is the same for every row that has the same network, hour, and date. I need to write a beast mode that calculates the number of different rows that have the same…
Count of ID when condition is met
Hi guys, I hope you are able to help me with the following situation. Example: Customer ID1 — Customer ID2 — Status — .. ABC — DEF — ACTIVE ABC — GHI — ACTIVE LMN — OPQ — ACTIVE LMN — RST — INACTIVE Basically I have two IDs per customer, I now want to get a COUNT of "active per customer" but ONLY when Status = ACTIVE. My…
Creating a Beast Mode to calculate field sums for remainder of year
Hi - I am trying to write a beast mode calculation that sums a field from an as of date until the end of the year. The variable is indexed across the year and want to count how many are left depending on what date is entered. For instance if 1/22/24 was the date it would count all the values indexed for the variable until…
Beast Mode: Count IF for user_id based on another column
Relevant columns in dataset user_id: unique identifier badge_level: a number from 1 - 4 user_badge_id: another unique identifier. Each badge earned generates a unique id I am trying to create a new column that counts the # of Level 3 badges the user has earned. Then I will create a Beast Mode to calculate the following %…
Case Statement with Count Distinct
Hi I am trying to write a case statement to find how many individuals are admitted (so admitted = admission date present AND discharge date and decreased dates are blank). I have this so far: Count (DISTINCT Case when (STATUS = 'Admitted') AND DISCHARGEDDATE IS NULL AND DECEASEDDATE IS NULL THEN IDFFORMID END I want to…
I am trying to remove duplicates so that I only count the result of the last batch run
Hi can anyone tell me how to write the forumla for this? I tried to add a formula to the ETL but did not know what formula I would need as I wasnt successful with any I tried and I'm a novice! 😪
Counting rows with a specific numerical value when using 'Group By'
Hi there - I'm new to Domo so apologies if this has been asked before and I have been unable to find the answer. I am using the "Group By' function in my ETL and in one of my aggregate columns I want to show the count of all the rows that have the numerical value of 80. I have tried the formula COUNT(`ptstatus`= '80') and…
Aggregate count function does not work in the denominator
When I use the following statement in a card summary, it works properly. But when use it as a value in a Single Value card, the count function doesn't work anymore: SUM(CASE WHEN ROUND(100*`Score`/`PossibleScore`)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT( `AttemptNumber`) For more context, the Attemptnumber column has 450 rows where…
How to represent how many tickets opened by each individual user?
Hi, I am trying to figure out how to pull 2 datasets together correctly. So, one dataset is Users and the other is Tickets. I want to connect Tickets to Users so I can have a single integer connected to a single user to show many tickets a specific individual has opened. Example: User_Name Number_Of_Tickets_Opened…
How to group rows and make columns that count specific values?
Hi! This is a difficult one to give a title but basically, here is what I am trying to do: I have a dataset that combines a dataset of user profiles and a dataset of our assets that are assigned to each user. What this does is make it so every single entry for a user's individual assets gets its own row. So basically, if…
COUNT(DISTINCT *) desconsidering only one filter
Hi, People! I'm here again! The DOMO noob! 😊 I'm stuck with the beastmode problem: Imagine that i have 4 cities e each one of it has a N number of reseller points. In my table, i need to show that N number of reseller points considering all the filters of the page (globals and selections in cards) into one column and in…
Count if
Hello, I need a separate count of 4 specific values in 6 columns. I believe I can get one of the counts, but am not sure how to get all 4 values counted. Formula for one of the values: COUNT(CASE WHEN `Item Status 1-4` = 'Active' THEN COUNT('Item Status') END) After I get the values of each status, I need to get them into…
Find Count Distinct w. Multiple Factors
Hello! I need to find ‘new initial customers’ by sales agent at the campaign level. For the purpose of this report, we define a ‘new initial customer’ as a customer (Customer_ID) who entered into a campaign (Campaign_ID) within a specified time range (by calendar month). I need to only count Customer_IDs the first time…
Count Number of Log Ins this Year (2019)
I would like to create an insight card that divides the number of Last Logins in 2019 (125) against my total users (214) to show total percentage of users this year (58%). I am attempting to show this through a chart type of Progress Bar, Filled or Compartive Gauge (any suggestions appreciated). However before I can create…
Ignore filter on a calculated field
Hello, I'm wondering if it's possible to create a BeastMode that ignores date filtering... I have a dataset that contains the following information ID# CUSTOMERNAME STATE FullDate Logins Errors % The card I'm building should only display the data from yesterday BUT, I want to add a field that calculates how many times the…