Beast mode to remove "double quotes"?

I have some strings in a column named Client Name column that include double quotes ("). Need to remove or replace them.

I tried using the REPLACE function to replace them with dots like so: REPLACE('Client Name','"','.').

Most things I've found when trying to look this up were more advanced requests and I have not been lucky in adapting those solutions to this seemingly simpler problem. Maybe this is a job for ETL? I am using ETL to merge two data sets together for this card.

Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I think you might want to do some troubleshooting to see what is actually in there. I would suggest creating a beast mode that uses the INSTR() function will return the character number for the searched character. I think you should look for a single quote and as well as a full quote.

    To look for a full quote use this: INSTR(ClientName,'"')

    To look for a single quote, you need to enter two single quotes within the outer single quotes, like this:


    Drag this beast mode into your table card and see which one returns a number other than zero. This will help you know what is in your client name field.

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  • You should be able to just use the REPLACE function like you mentioned:

    REPLACE(`Client Name`, '"', '.')

    How is your beast mode not working? What are you getting and what are you expecting?

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  • Sorry, should have described that in the original post.

    If I have a string like Grant "Coach" Smith in my column named Client Name, I expected this Replace function would have resulted in Grant .Coach. Smith. It is still Grant "Coach" Smith.

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    I think you might want to do some troubleshooting to see what is actually in there. I would suggest creating a beast mode that uses the INSTR() function will return the character number for the searched character. I think you should look for a single quote and as well as a full quote.

    To look for a full quote use this: INSTR(ClientName,'"')

    To look for a single quote, you need to enter two single quotes within the outer single quotes, like this:


    Drag this beast mode into your table card and see which one returns a number other than zero. This will help you know what is in your client name field.

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