

I have a chart which is populated yoy basis and has Q4 data being shown twice


I have a chart which is powered using a beast mode with a variable as following:

  1. (CASE WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` = 'Project or Image') THEN AVG(`proj_image_insert_user_count`) WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` = 'Project') THEN AVG(`customize_makeit_hva_user_count`) WHEN (`Content Type ES Quarterly-2` = 'Image') THEN AVG(`image_insert_hva_user_count`) END)

Here the periodic chart is displaying 2024-Q4 twice. However, when I hover on the blank bars(first 2024 Q4), it shows 2024-Q3 and 2023-Q4 as marked in red. I want to get rid of this additional 2024-Q4 section.

I tried creating a new chart but it doesnt help. The dashboard was working fine until now. I have already scanned for nulls or invalid data in the quarter.


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