Beast mode for the substring_index

Atieh Member

I'm trying to extract the substring from an URL.


I'm looking taking the level2 out of URL. What is the beast mode formula I can use here?

I want to get: level2


Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    edited May 27 Answer ✓

    you can use SPLIT_PART (Beast Mode or Magic ETL formula tile) or REGEXP_REPLACE (Magic ETL formula tile only)

    SPLIT_PART(`url`, '/', 3)


    REGEXP_REPLACE(`url`, '^(http://)?([^/]+/){2}([^/]+).*$', '$3')

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  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    edited May 27 Answer ✓

    you can use SPLIT_PART (Beast Mode or Magic ETL formula tile) or REGEXP_REPLACE (Magic ETL formula tile only)

    SPLIT_PART(`url`, '/', 3)


    REGEXP_REPLACE(`url`, '^(http://)?([^/]+/){2}([^/]+).*$', '$3')

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  • Atieh
    Atieh Member

    Thanks so much! It worked