Auto-Hide Buzz on Default

Edgar_Movius Member
edited August 2023 in Buzz & Navigation Ideas

I would prefer to have an option in the admin panel to enable auto-hide for Buzz for new users. It is quite intrusive for a UI and UX perspective and for some windows machine with low res screen, Buzz can sometime literally take up 1/3 or 1/2 the screen real estate and proceeded to squash the beautiful dashboard contents they were meant to be focusing on.

On top of that the UI of Buzz isn't exactly user friendly as many times I struggle to direct users where to go to hide them.

So here's my suggestion:

  1. Enable auto-hide for Buzz by default in the admin console
  2. Have Buzz as a floating slider so the dashboard content do not get pushed and squeezed, or ability to pin it much like Dashboard menu slider on the left side of the screen


9 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • akeating
    akeating Contributor

    I love this idea. My users also don't like it when they have to clear their cookies and re-hide Buzz (especially users who access several instances). This would resolve that problem.

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  • MichelleH

    Completely agree. The button to hide Buzz is also not intuitive and I often have to show users how to collapse that panel

  • JasonAltenburg

    Agree with this, it's the first thing I teach people when I run Domo trainings, it would be nice as an Admin to have a switch to keep it collapsed by default.