Is it possible to create a table showing appointment availability in Domo?


I have a list of appointments scheduled with their start and end times, I've created a pivot table showing all appointment start times as the row and closers are broken out into columns. Through an ETL, i'm able to count the number of appointments scheduled at that start time but what I'd really like to do is mark off each 15 minute time slot if the closer has an appointment that falls within that time range. How would I go about this and how would I just block the time off if they have appointments running during that time as opposed to just showing the count of appointments?


Best Answer

  • bfentres
    bfentres Contributor
    Answer ✓

    @lb1234 , I'm happy to try and help.

    To block off the time instead of showing a count, you can use color rules. Using your example and blocking off where the cell has a 1 in it, you would:

    1. Go to the analyzer and click 'Colors' under properties or 'Color Rules' at the top (both go to the same place
    2. Pick 'Close Appointments Scheduled' as the column and the condition as 'Is' 1
    3. Click 'Auto' under fill to open up the color pallet and in the box at the bottom under the Opacity slide, type 000000 (hex code for black)
    4. Under Table Text, select the T all the way to the right and then uncheck the box next to 'Apply to row or column
    5. Click Next then 'Apply only to this card'

    This won't wipe out the number completly but it will make it very faint. If you need it completly gone, let me know and I'll see if I can come up with some beast mode magic.

    For the data piece:

    Instead of the hours of the appointment, are you wanting to see every 15min incrament in that column on the table? So 6:00, 6:15, 6:30…? Depending on how this is being used, that's a lot of rows per day. If you can do with something less percise, you could count the number of appointments a person has per hour then use color coding to show if that hour is completely or only partial blocked. You wouldn't know which slot was booked, but you'd know if that closer had any available slots that hour. Beyond that, I would need to know more about the underlying data structre. Does each row have a name, date, Start Time, End time, appointment type…

    If you can give me a little more information, I'll see if I can help with that.

    Hope this helps at least a little bit!



  • bfentres
    bfentres Contributor
    Answer ✓

    @lb1234 , I'm happy to try and help.

    To block off the time instead of showing a count, you can use color rules. Using your example and blocking off where the cell has a 1 in it, you would:

    1. Go to the analyzer and click 'Colors' under properties or 'Color Rules' at the top (both go to the same place
    2. Pick 'Close Appointments Scheduled' as the column and the condition as 'Is' 1
    3. Click 'Auto' under fill to open up the color pallet and in the box at the bottom under the Opacity slide, type 000000 (hex code for black)
    4. Under Table Text, select the T all the way to the right and then uncheck the box next to 'Apply to row or column
    5. Click Next then 'Apply only to this card'

    This won't wipe out the number completly but it will make it very faint. If you need it completly gone, let me know and I'll see if I can come up with some beast mode magic.

    For the data piece:

    Instead of the hours of the appointment, are you wanting to see every 15min incrament in that column on the table? So 6:00, 6:15, 6:30…? Depending on how this is being used, that's a lot of rows per day. If you can do with something less percise, you could count the number of appointments a person has per hour then use color coding to show if that hour is completely or only partial blocked. You wouldn't know which slot was booked, but you'd know if that closer had any available slots that hour. Beyond that, I would need to know more about the underlying data structre. Does each row have a name, date, Start Time, End time, appointment type…

    If you can give me a little more information, I'll see if I can help with that.

    Hope this helps at least a little bit!
